Saturday 1 September 2007

A Meaning to my Dream

I seem to have been having a reoccurring theme to some of my dreams this year - witnessing plane crashes. It's really disturbing, not just because it is a really weird dream, but because I know of at least two people who will be catching planes in the near future - Diane when she goes back to Palmerston North, and Aonghas when he goes down to Christchurch for his video course.

Here's a bit of a rundown of how a few of my 'plane crash' dreams have played out:

- One of them is during a sunset where one of those older and smaller planes (actually I think it's a NZ Post plane) is flying low and then for some reason it veers towards the horizon. Next thing you know, behind the trees and houses is a big explosion!

- My most recent one which happened last night was when my family and I were in Japan on a trip and we must've been walking along the waterfront/viaduct of some place when this passenger jet came heading towards us before plunging in the water (if you want to know I think it happened to be ANA - All Nippon Airways, a Japanese airline!)

There have been a few more, and after the last one the night before, I thought it was about time I found out if these dreams meant anything to me, so I did a little search on the Internet. There were a few comments such as

'Don't get on a plane anytime soon!!!'

But I think I might just disregard those ones...or maybe I shouldn't...

Anyway the interpretations that really caught my attention were:

'The message of "plane crash" dreams always is the same. It's time to rescue your self from feelings of being in a "free fall" by taking concrete steps to reassert your goals and values.'

'But if you were to take the psychoanalytical approach to this, they would say that your unconscious is telling you that you feel out of control, that you have no control over your fate. In fact all you can do is just stand by and watch your future crashing down. When you were watching the planes crash it was as if you saw disaster and you couldn't help it, or the fact that someone you know was destroying their lives and you saw it but knew there was nothing you could do about it.'

'To dream that a plane crashes, suggests that you have set overly high and unrealistic goals for yourself. Your goals may be too high and are impossible to realize. You are in danger of having it come crashing down. Alternatively, your lack of confidence, self-defeating attitude and self-doubt toward the goals you have set for yourself is represented by the crashing airplane; you do not believe in your ability to attain those goals. Loss of power and uncertainty in achieving your goals are also signified'

That does sorta apply to me! Maybe it's a sign for me to sort my life out and get a hold of things! That's it I'm going to plan my future! Maybe I'll do that in the near future...

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