Monday 3 September 2007

Happy Father's Day!!

Happy Father's Day to all you fathers and everyone else out there! So it's a day just for fathers, but it doesn't mean the rest of us can't enjoy it! We had an extra long church service where three churches combined at ours for a baptism service. We were late and so we sat outside watching the proceedings. I was sitting next to Angie's mum so it was vital I stayed awake and look like a model Christian! (or...try to!!) I was too wound up in thought to fall asleep which was good! It must've looked very convincing because Angie's mum asked me if I could understand the Chinese!

All the dads were given a present. Because my dad was at work he didn't get one. It turned out that the presents were lunch boxes! You never know what you're going to get at our church!

After the service we had this shared lunch and so we were sitting around in circles in the main room. Most of the food turned out to be various types of biscuits and crackers though so I guess you could say we had a cracker of a lunch! (Yes yes lame pun!) 


Upon wishing a few random friends Happy Father's Day, here are some of the interesting responses I got:

"B@s+ard! Im not a father!"

"..Im not a father if you havent realised by now"

"Ya grampa u 2"

"Oh right fathers day lol"

"Bt im nt a father"

Thanks guys for your best wishes too!!


On Saturday morning during my first class with my third year students, one of the girls asked me if I had a girlfriend and I said no, and this is how she explains it:

"Oh it's probably because you wear glasses"

And when I took them off, she told me I looked better in them!! Next thing I know when the supervisor's daughter who was filling in for her that day came into my room to ask if I needed any photocopying, I had one of the girls whispering

"Oooooooooooo you like her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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