Wednesday 19 September 2007


I got on the bus on Monday, put in my bus pass into the machine and then it came up as ERROR! The lady told me I hadn't renewed my bus pass even though I walked all the way to the dairy on Saturday and paid $170 to get it renewed! I ended up having to pay nearly $15 worth of bus passes that day!

Anyway the weather was so hot on Monday! Patrick and I were sweatily dozing off during economics as the air conditioner didn't seem to be on. There were actually quite a few people with their heads down, but the lecturer with her woolly jumper on kept on going without even noticing! I later fell asleep again in my population health lecture but that wasn't so much due to the heat..just out of boredom...

In the morning after I had to walk all the way to Grafton to return my book and then all the way back into the city, I decided to check out some prospectuses on various other degrees that I could possibly switch to at the end of this year. I discovered that I couldn't do health psychology with a Health Science degree alone! That's when I totally lost hope in the degree (not the first time either!)

Later that night though was the Bachelor of Health Science careers evening where some employers would tell us about possible job opportunities for graduates of this degree. Because my lecture at Tamaki finished at about 3.30pm and the evening started at 6.30pm, it meant I had about three hours to kill! I spent the first couple of hours wasting time on the internet before doing a bit of study. I then decided to explore the Tamaki campus to see if there were any real signs of life nearby! I started walking along down this road, but it seemed to lead to nowhere except panel-beating workshops and other industrial buildings. I decided to turn back and went back into the campus and walked to the other side of it. I crossed the car park before being stopped by a river. I was about to give up hope that there were any other shops around the place (the only REALLY EXPENSIVE shop to buy food on the campus was closed!) before I spotted in the distance the golden arches! McDonald's!!! And not too far away...KFC! It was too far to get there though and I'd have to find a way to cross the river, so I just decided to head to the careers evening.

There was heaps of food there so I tried to take advantage of that before going into the function. There were a few speakers from the Ministry of Health, the District Health Board and a couple of private companies. It did seem that there are a few job opportunities after all, even though it's not so clear cut! One of the most interesting comments made though was that if we want to get a job with the World Health Organisation, we'd have to get our Masters of Health and be able to speak English as well as either French or Spanish, so maybe I should start learning..

There was a bit of a happy ending to the bus pass saga. The dairy owners gave my parents a temporary pass to pass on to me till I could take my current bus pass back to the dairy shop to get it fixed. What nice people!

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