Saturday 29 September 2007

Full of Hot Air

This morning in the middle of the crucial Tonga vs England game (Tonga all the way!!!) we had to leave for the airport to drop Aonghas off, as he's going down to Christchurch for the week to attend this video filming/editing course. He'd be staying with our cousins down there for the first and last day of the week. We got a phone call from their mum this morning though, who told us that Samantha, the eldest daughter had been involved in a car accident and had been in hospital! Thankfully she was OK.

We got to the airport, which was an uneventful ride except for finding out that Tonga lost! Noooo!!!! Anyway we went into the Air New Zealand domestic terminal where one of the check-in women showed Aonghas how to use some new fandangled automatic machine thingy to check-in. After that, it wasn't long before we had to farewell Aonghas at the departure gate.

As Aonghas was moving along with the queue, I was taking photos of people walking through the metal detectors and being checked by the airport security guards when one of the guys came up to me and told me

"Excuse me you're not allowed to take photos here"

So that put a temporary end to my photo taking! While we were outside checking the planes out from the car park, I was taking a few photos of the control tower when some man came up to us and asked if everything was OK. We just told him we were taking photos!

Aonghas got to Christchurch safely though so that's good!

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