Wednesday 12 September 2007

Starbucks and Spaceships

This week is mid-semester test week for me, having four tests in four days straight after holidays, so I know how all you high school kids are feeling right now! On Monday I had my Population Health test. It was all multi-choice so it wasn't too....bad although I still had to guess a few questions. I only had one lecture in the morning and one in the afternoon so I had a little time to study before the test.

Yesterday I had my MEDSCI test at night. Because I had one Health Psychology lecture at 8am in the morning, it meant I had a huge nine hour gap in between my lecture and my test!! Originally I was going to go straight into study after my lecture and try do as much as I can before my test, but I decided I better top up my phone first, so I walked down to the nearest ATM. It didn't work, so I walked all the way to the end of Queen St to use the ATM inside the Downtown Shopping Centre.

Once I had bought my top-up, I was sitting outside Britomart topping up my phone when these two Starbucks girls came over and offered me a free sample of their green tea latte! I kindly accepted and they gave me a voucher for one free green tea latte. They went off and I drank it. Initially I thought it tasted a little funky, but by the time I finished it all it wasn't actually too bad!

After I had finished drinking it, I decided I better make my way back to the library to embark on some studying. While I was standing at the intersection waiting for the traffic lights to turn green, the Starbucks girls came over asking other people if they wanted to try a sample. One of the girls came over to me to ask if I'd like to try a sample before realising they had already given me one! I commented on how good it tasted, and lucky me they offered me another one because they were trying to get rid of them!

I managed to study about seven hours without a break and without falling asleep! I was racing against time right throughout the day to ensure I covered the whole topic, but even after seven years I still nearly ran out of time! I had half an hour to go and decided I better eat because I was HUUUUNNGRY! I managed to meet up with Alice and Lun Shen in the Info Commons before having to go off to my test in the Lower Lecture Theatre.

The test was...sorta OK. Once again it was all multi-choice. There were some questions I knew and some I didn't. I'll have to wait till I get my results to see if I was fully prepared or not.

I was waiting at the bus stop outside Sky City later that night, sitting in between this homeless guy and some Asian girl. After running all the way from uni to the bus stop, I realised the bus wouldn't be coming for another 15 minutes! Anyway I was sitting there, checking out the Asian girl..haha nah just joking I was staring at the other side of the road, when the homeless guy started talking to me:

"Did you hear about the low-flying spaceships this morning?"

Thinking he was talking about the NZ Airforce training thing involving low-flying that was mentioned in the NZ Herald, I just nodded and agreed. I asked him if he was talking about helicopters, but he was adament

"Nah nah bro they're spaceships! They're five miles long, hidden in the clouds. Straight up bro straight up!"

I asked him if they were there right at that time. He told me:

"Yeeah bro they're hiding in the clouds or else it would scare the f*#&k outta everyone!"

He would even walk out from under the shelter to look into the sky to check for spaceships. I wasn't sure if he was having me on or if he really believed what he was saying!

He went on about how there was one big spaceship and all these small crafts. I asked if the big craft was the mother ship but he replied

"Nah bro its the father ship! Representin' mankind! Straight up bro!!"

He went on about those beams that lift people into flying saucers which was starting to get freaky!

Fortunately the bus arrived just in time to pick me up before that guy did anything bad to me!

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