Wednesday 26 September 2007

And There it Is!

So it started off with me, Lyres and Henry sitting together in the health psychology lecture in the early early morning. I got all excited when the lecturer announced we would be watching a video! :D When we finally came to it though, I fell asleep!!!

After the lecture Lyres left and Henry and I were about to leave the lecture theatre when Henry spotted someone's bag left by a seat in our row, so he handed it in to the lecturer. On his way back, he spotted a key lying on the aisle floor, so he handed it in to the lecturer as well.

We were walking up the road back to the library lecture theatres when I was joking about finding money one the ground when guess what just happened to be lying right in front of me? Money! OK not that much but what made it unique was it was an American quarter dollar coin!

Our health psychology tutorial in Grafton later that day was a bit different too. We had to get into groups and come up with a poster on some health issue. Steven and I were together with these two other girls who seemed very unresponsive. It took us fifteen minutes to decide on a health issue to do, and that was only when I started asking about safe sex! Our poster ended up being filled with a lot of random stuff like two safes having sex (get it? safe sex???), a catchy slogan

"If you're the one he loves, he'll wear a glove"

scary messages on the consequences of unprotected sex, and our mascot the condom. I got to draw that!! They had already sorta given my slogan the cold shoulder:

"Protection is handy for when you are randy"

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