Thursday 6 September 2007

The Amazing Race - Dessert Club Style

I'm achieving milestones during uni holidays. This time round I've participated in the most number of uni club activities than before! - The Kiwi Asian Club ball, and just yesterday The Dessert Club's Amazing Race! I did tell my mum though that I was going into the city to photocopy some music in the uni music library, which technically was true, and I did not lie, I did that in the end! I just didn't tell her about other part...

I got into the city at about 10.30am, earlier than my team members! Oh team members were Alice and (originally Elena, hence the team name Team ACE) Lucy, who filled in for Elena. You can probably guess where Lucy's from. Yes you're right Mt Roskill Grammar! I was originally going to buy some breakfast from McDonald's or Burger King, but by the time I got there they started flipping the menus around and so I couldn't be bothered.

Just as well too! When I finally caught up with Alice and Lucy outside the uni recreation centre where the starting line was, there was a table covered with bowls of ice-cream! As soon as the guy said go, we all rushed to the table, grabbed a bowl and started eating! I was a little worried about meningitis (well what do you expect? I'm a health science student afterall!!) and so they gave us a couple of extra bowls to split the ice-cream into, and it ended up working to our advantage, even though the girls ended up dumping most of the ice-cream on me! We finished 2nd, and our next clue was to visit all four sponsors of the Dessert Club to collect a token from each. We didn't know who the sponsors were though so we quickly went to the Info Commons to check it out on the computer.

Once we found out where to go, we rushed straight for Dunkin' Donuts. As soon as we got there I presented the token and was asked to pick a doughnut and a drink. I initially thought I had to purchase it myself so I just picked any random doughnut. It turned out that the Dessert Club would be paying for it, and we had to eat the doughnut and drink the drink before we could move on! The girls split the doughnut and ate that (complaining to me about my choice of doughnut!) while I had to try scull this hot chocolate!

We then rushed to Yogoberries (or some shop with a name like that) to collect our next challenge there. Next was IS2, this shaved ice shop, where Sarena works! Well she wasn't working at the time. Our task this time was to make two bowls of shaved ice, and then try sell them for $2 each to someone in the Atrium on Elliot foodcourt. There was  a bit of drama in that my schoolbag zip broke...OK that's not really drama..I ended up fixing it! It took us a little while trying to find someone to sell the ice-cream to, but we soon managed to sell one bowl to this Asian guy and his girlfriend after I got on my knees and begged while Lucy and Alice used their good looks and convincing manner! The second bowl we really didn't have to do much to find someone, as one lady who initially rejected us the first time round came over to look for us and buy it off us! We had to eat the last bowl of shaved ice we had to make ourselves, and so I got in and scooped some onto my hands and got licking. As soon as we were done we had to run all the way back to uni for the checkpoint. We 

Our next clue was to find a token that was located somewhere around the Info Commons, Science faculty or recreation centre. We decided to split up. It took us at least ten minutes, and by then all these other teams were on the search as well. After retracing my steps, I spotted a big piece of paper in the bush. When I took a closer look, it was an envelope with tokens! I grabbed one and then continued searching to try throw the other teams off track before taking it to my team.

The next task was to go to the Grafton campus, so we took a casual stroll all the way there (we probably should've walked a little faster!) When we got there we were team six, and presented with the challenge to eat a bowl of food ranging from durian paste, wasabi peas, this spicy tofu and some other stuff that tasted funky. I was made to eat the spicy tofu and filled my mouth with some wasabi peas. They also gave me quite a bit of durian paste. When I finished my share, they gave me even more! I couldn't imagine eating anymore, so I grabbed a serviette, put the paste in there and hid it in my pocket! As soon as we had finished, we got our next clue - go to the Auckland Museum.

We crossed the road and decided to try take a shortcut across the domain, which was pretty soggy due to the bad weather. When we finally got inside, we were asked to pick a chocolate bar. Lucy was about to choose the Moro Gold bar before deciding to go with the Milo bar. Thank goodness she did! The Milo bar was in the mid-range in terms of the calories we had, and so we had to choose to either do 300 push-ups amongst the three of us, or do three laps around the museum. We decided to do the three laps! Each time we jogged past the main entrance of the museum all these school kids cheered for us!! We finally finished, and by then we were tied for 6th/7th. Our next task was to go all the way to the Britomart Train Station. Fortunately there was a Link bus just as we got to the bus stop.

As soon as we got to Britomart we had to look for two Dessert Club executives, which meant going up to random people and asking them! We split up again and I ended up wandering all the way to the end of the train platform and finding no one! Lucy and Alice managed to find one executive each and as we walked out the station we asked some people just to try trick the other teams before jumping on the free bus to the finish line. Each traffic light the bus approached seemed to turn red though!

We finally got to the uni campus and sprinted to the function room to find we finished....FIFTH (out of sixteen teams) which wasn't too bad! We finished the race at 1:50 something pm, while the first team (Roskill Asians despite only one guy being Asian!!!) finished at 1:15pm. We all relaxed and ate heaps of food while waiting for the other teams to finish, which took over an hour! To finish off the day there was a game of musical chairs, in which I was the first to get kicked off! (A bit preoccupied with taking photos!)

Hamish needed to go into the city to return a library book and so he was pushing me to come home, so I thought I better go to the music library to photocopy my music before leaving for home.

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