Saturday 29 September 2007

Assignment Fever

I finally finished my health psychology assignment! I discovered the computer lab in the science faculty which was great!! Usually the Information Commons computers are all taken, and so I decided to do a bit of exploring and went into the computer labs in the Science Faculty, and to my surprise I found quite a few computers free! I went in there, got started on my health psychology assignment and ended up staying there right up till 9pm!

For the past few days I've been going back to that computer lab to work on my assignment, and yesterday I finally finished and handed it in! Usually I hand in my assignments right on the deadline, but this time I handed it in earlier and so I kept thinking that there was something I had left out so I wanted to try get my assignment out of the box but the hole was too small! So that was it. No turning back. Because I missed my medsci lecture in the morning I went to the afternoon lecture and..fell asleep..I did an hour study afterwards and then treated myself with fries for FRYday!! :D Oh and I also met my lab partner Sheena's boyfriend Jason today! That was pretty cool.

It has been a frustrating few days. All the suggested books with readings related to the behaviour modification programme had all been borrowed whenever I tried looking for them. Yesterday afternoon I went to the Philson (medical) library in Grafton to try find a couple NZ Medical Journals with articles that I needed for my essay that is due this Wednesday. Funnily enough the exact journals I needed were the only ones missing!


On Wednesday after coming back from Tamaki I hung out with Kevin for a little bit too. We went over to the Japanese shop to see if I could find a protective cover for my phone screen, but they didn't sell any. We then went to Wendy's for a bit of a feed and I decided to try something different and order the 'potato with sour cream and chives'. I didn't realise that it would be one big potato with actual sour cream and chives! You're probably trying to shout at me WHAT DID YOU EXPECT CALUM! Well I was thinking it was like potato chips or wedges! Anyway it didn't taste too bad and I was pretty full after that!


Here is a bit of a conversation I heard between two computer science students in the computer lab:
"I've got to go to this stupid tutorial. I hate tutorials. It's like the tutor tries to create conversation with us by telling us about her personal life and I'm like I DON'T F*(KN CARE I WANT TO GO HOME AND WORK ON CODING!!!"
"Oh yeah.."
"That's why I like lectures better..minimal social interaction..."

Funnily enough these two students had blonde hair, glasses....


I nearly dropped my drink bottle in the toilet again on Thursday! That is the second time I've either dropped or come close to dropping something in the toilet! The first time was on the day of my population health exam last semester when I dropped my notes in the bowl!


I was meant to go to a birthday party last night but instead I had to help my brother pack for Christchurch. Aonghas is flying out this morning so that he can attend a week-long video filming and editing course down there. What a lucky guy, getting to fly twice in one year! I haven't been on a plane in maybe 5+ years!

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