Wednesday 8 November 2006

Super Fast!

Last week we decided to completely rid ourselves of Telecom once and for all and be with Ihug for both broadband and home phone. At the same time we decided to upgrade our broadband connection from 2Mb to 7.6Mb. After a few days of no change, we tried ringing Ihug, having to wait at least half an hour to get through to a human being on the other end of the phone, who told us we would get upgraded in the next few days. Finally yesterday our broadband deal got changed to 7.6Mb! However so far our Internet connection hasn't gone any faster than 3Mb so we're yet to have a taste of 7.6Mb!

Time is flying by pretty fast too! I can't believe there is only a week of school left...EVER! Today I had my last ever Wednesday Chinese period! I've got to get into photo-taking hyper drive! I do feel a little weird taking photos though as there's hardly anyone else with cameras yet! Usually when I've been the only one taking photos at events it doesn't matter because there's something to take photos of, but to be the only one taking photos during class time feels a bit random! I've got to bring my video camera sometime as well and do a little video diary of a day at school so I can remember what it was like in several years' time!

I came late to school once again (about 20 minutes late) and had to skip physics class so I wouldn't get a late detention.

We had our last head students meeting with Mr Coughlan today, which was a bit sad. All six of us head students turned up, which was quite a feat! Mr Coughlan's going to take us out to lunch after exams, which will be cool!

Speaking of lunches, we've got a prefects' lunch tomorrow with the principal, which is something to look forward to. What I'm a little anxious about is that while we've got only five lunchtimes left, I have commitments during three of them. I have string quartet rehearsal and orchestra rehearsal on the 3rd and 2nd to last days of school! I still want to go around and get peoples signatures (just in case they become famous) and photos of them! Oh and don't forget the sad and teary farewells!!

After the head students' meeting I went over to the village to help Phoebe again with her maths and then had a free period in which I got a bit of help from the careers advisors (once again!) on what I should do at university next year. I tried applying for university again last night. I asked my mum what she wants me to apply for, and she told me to do what I enjoy, so I made a suggestion, and then my mum told me

"You can't get a job in that!...Pfffffft you want to study that??"

I asked her what I should study and she said she didn't know...after that I just gave up for another night. I've got to apply sometime soon so I might just end up putting anything down!

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