Monday 6 November 2006

Congratulations and Commiserations

This morning I arrived late to school when Heather gave me the good news - Yvia got head girl!!! Yay!!! She also told me that Lauren and Falen were going to be deputies!! She couldn't tell me about the guys though. It wasn't till a little later that I heard that Chen got head boy!! However, the deputy head boy (notice the singular) hadn't been chosen yet as they couldn't decide. I'm really glad with the outcome! After discussing a few things with Chen prior to his interview, I realised that we both are on the same wavelength and have similar visions for the school (or had in my case)!

I felt a little bad for Christine who was the only girl who got short-listed but didn't get a position, when she had done so much for the school! I met with her at lunch when I went with Joon to the Village so that he could get some stuff (not too sure why he needed me...). I got three hugs from her WOOHOO GO ME!!! I got a little over-enthusiastic in one of them and whacked her in the mouth, but fortunately all was good! From the sound of things though, the bickering and bitterness has already started! Ooooooh yeah this is going to get exciting! It brings back memories from our head student election race last year when there was a lot of that going on!

I was lowering the flag after school today when I had another person call out to me

"Don't let the flag touch the ground!"

as they walked by. I just carried on doing my job, when some Junior Councillors came over to help me fold it (because I probably looked a little disjointed and muddled with the flag in one hand and the rope in the other). They helped me fold the flag and warned me not to let the flag touch the ground!! I walked back into the office to return the folded flag to Mr Coughlan, when I came across a friend who started talking to, before he told me not to let the flag touch the ground!! I told him that I've had heaps and heaps of people tell me this, and I wasn't sure why! I first thought that probably they were warning me because they didn't want me to let the flag get dirty or scraped along the ground and get a hole in it, or maybe it was some sort of curse. My friend told me he wasn't sure either but had heard that it was some sort of sign of disrespect! So I'll try not to let the flag touch the ground!

It's getting really close to the end of the year now and I've got to start writing my prize-giving speech, which I haven't thought about till now! There is this huge pressure on me to make people cry!!! Hopefully I won't make people sleep...

Anyway congratulations to all of you guys on getting your head/deputy head student positions!

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