Wednesday 15 November 2006

Final Days of School

I've been meaning to post my last few days of school on this blog but I've been a little caught up in trying to figure out what to write for my farewell speech!! I only got it finished at interval today at school, a couple hours before prize-giving!


We were supposed to have a shared lunch for all those who regularly used the transition room at lunchtime. The only problem was...we had string quartet rehearsal at lunch! I attended my cello lesson, and once again Ms Williams the teacher was late. She turned up, sounding like she had a cold or some sort of sickness. The arts co-ordinator tried telling her that she should look after herself and stay at home, but the cello teacher just snapped back along the lines of:

"Look, I'm sick of people making a fuss and telling me what I should and should not do, OK I've had enough and I don't need it!"

I was definitely surprised at the way she talked to a fellow staff member at Rutherford College, especially since she wasn't a permanent teacher at the school and just an itinerant music teacher. The arts coordinator definitely did not sound too happy the next time the cello teacher asked her for a favour!

Anywho the teacher was nice to me, till the twins came in to give her bad news that is. They came in and told her that we had another 'meeting' during lunchtime and so we couldn't make it to string quartet, or could only make it to the first five minutes. The barrage of criticism directed at us began. We hadn't informed her early enough about this, blablabla. Funny how we weren't earlier informed of her absence the week before! So she made an 'executive decision' to have string quartet rehearsal the next period (period 4), which would be during my chemistry period. We continuted my cello lesson, with a noticeable change in the atmosphere.

As soon as the bell went, I went off to inform my chemistry teacher that I had to go to string quartet rehearsal. I also had to collect the food my mum was going to bring in for the shared lunch as well, so I did that first, then went to see my chemistry teacher.

He wasn't very happy when I told him! He told me to tell my teacher that he wouldn't let me go. I tried telling him that my cello teacher was a very scary woman and I was scared of her! He said he didn't care. I warned him that she would probably come to his classroom and argue with him. Again he said he didn't care! I pleaded with him to just let me go, and eventually he told me to do what I thought was best.

String quartet wasn't too bad. We talked about the future, said our farewells, played Mozart K80 for the very last time as a group. We then stopped at the bell, took a few photos as a group, and gave Ms Williams a small gift. We then rushed off to our shared lunch.

There was heaps of food at the shared lunch! My mum cooked these little coconut things as well as wontons for the lunch. Not many people knew what the coconut ball things were though. The teachers didn't see the wontons so they didn't serve them!

As soon as the bell went we had to go to Merit prize-giving. I only got Merit in History, which I already knew I would get as I had seen the awards list earlier! The others who I think had seen on the list (Hyun, Joon and Estee the only ones I could remember) got what I had seen!
The merit prizegiving ceremony went by pretty fast and we managed to finish half an hour early at 2.30pm so I just hung around outside with the twins, Gwen, Alex, Phoebe, Aone and a few others, taking photos and talking.

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