Saturday 4 November 2006

Loneliness Begins

Don't get me wrong I don't need to be on suicide watch or anything. I've just already started getting free weekend txtn withdrawal symptoms! I used to text a few people right throughout the weekend from midnight Friday to midnight Sunday about all sorts of stuff and they'd keep me company! Now I'm feeling lonely!! I hope Vodafone knows what they've done to me! They've taken what little txtn-dependent social life I had in the weekend away from me!!! The offside is now I get to concentrate on my studies yay!!!

I've kinda been go to this fireworks thing at the Trusts Stadium tomorrow with a few friends. I don't exactly know how it's going to go with lovey dovey stuff going on but you know we resilient single people will survive!

Today we got 6th period off school as a reward for attending Rutherford Day a couple weeks ago (or was it last week?) All our classes were moved up one, so I had Chinese first period and history last. History was probably the most fun. We got into teams and played this game. Ellyce, Heather, Patrick and I were all in one team. The teacher thought we were the best in the class (probably not so much me, I think I was the weak link in the team) and didn't want to do all the work for the others, so we sat at the back table as a team. One person from each group would go up and the teacher would give them a history-related word and the students would have to draw, mime or 'play dough' the word to the other members of the group with the first group to guess it correctly getting a point. Of course our team was leading in front, but were in fierce competition with Nick's team! It took a turn for the dirty towards the end with pushing and shoving and a bit of cheating going on! In the end our team won!

Chen came over to our house for the afternoon to wait for his parents. He and the other shortlisted candidates for head students were interviewed by the executive team today. From the sound of it though they all went all right! Hopefully we get the desired outcome on Monday!

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