Friday 17 November 2006

Farewell Speech at Prize-Giving

Since I posted my first ever speech as head boy in December last year, I thought I'd post my last ever speech as head boy at prize-giving for sentimental purposes!

I first stepped foot in this school as a pimple-faced little boy, with my short shorts riding up my legs. It was a big step, coming into this school almost twice as big as intermediate, and twice as tall.

As I write the final entries in my Rutherford diary, all these memories that have been stored up at the back of my mind have come flooding out, attaching themselves to people, places and events I have known for what seems like an eternity. I'm sure many of you 7th formers are going through the exact same thing. The reason for this is that everything we have come to love, enjoy and get used to, will be no more. This is the last time we as a group of students will attend an assembly together in this hall. We are about to embark on a major change in our life, whether we want to or not.

The reality is that even though change smacks us in the face at the end of 7th form, we are actually experiencing it right throughout our years at Rutherford. It is only once you have reached the end when you look back and notice how the people and environment around you has developed since then, and more importantly how you are so different to five years ago. We are no longer the same people. We have grown. We have changed. Puberty is over…for most of us. Leaving school is a choice we may not have. However, to absorb from our community, our teachers and our peers, to get involved with school activities – these choices which  will ultimately shape who we are when we leave the school, are ones we do have, and are ones we should take.

I look back on my time at Rutherford, and at how various influences have sculpted me. Without teachers I would not be able to differentiate in maths, or explain what ionisation energy is. Without my friends, I wouldn't have discovered the female species. Without all the regular meetings I wouldn't have had so much practise at being late. The choice I took to learn from others, and to get involved in activities has upgraded Calum Anderson.

It has been a privilege for me to be head boy this year, and I have enjoyed every single moment of it. It has been great being able to meet all sorts of students from right across the spectrum, from the friendly, to the pretty, to the downright weird. With supportive staff and students the job has been a whole lot easier. I would like to personally thank the prefects group who have put a lot of their own time in to improve school life, and I would also like to thank the head students Patrick, Hyun, Jane and Joanne, and especially Head Girl Heather, who have been an excellent group of leaders. Remember their names. Their autographs will be worth millions later.

We have been through a lot in the space of a year, having farewelled one principal and welcome in another, watched rock bands perform at lunch, dress up as lollies and women and being auctioned off to students. And that's not even the strange stuff.

It has been a memorable year, and one I will never forget. I wish this year didn't have to end so soon! To the year 13 students the best year level out there, I wish you all success in the future wherever that may be. As the Janice Joplin once said, "I'd trade all of my tomorrows for one single yesterday."As for the year 11s and year 12s, I know you will make the most of your remaining years at high school. They will fly by quicker than a ray of light. In a split second, you'll end up in the same state I'm in right now.

I'd like to end with the following universal message.

Time does not stop, and nor do we. No two days are the same, no two days are we the same. Change is evidence of life. Some change is out of our power, but what we have control over is what we must focus on today, as this will ultimately affect the outcome tomorrow. Make choices. Take chances. Just remember if making the right decision in learning from others and getting involved managed to help even Calum grow from nerd to cool guy with nice comfortable trousers, then just think of how the choices make may change you!

Thank you all, and good luck.

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