Sunday 5 November 2006


I had one of my worst classes today. I was trying to teach my 2nd year class this rhythm (dotted quaver + semiquaver) comparing it to a dotted crotchet + quaver, as the students were about to play this piece 'Clementine' which included the rhythm. I tried explaining it to them on the blackboard and they all just had blank looks on their faces! I asked them if they knew what I was talking about, and only one boy said he kinda did while the others were like


I had no idea what to do! I tried saving face by sounding like I knew what I was doing and this was all planned, telling them I would have a big RHYTHM REVISION class next week. I don't really know what I'm going to do next week yet but I'll have to actually plan ahead by a few days this time!

As part of my accordion championship programme I have to play a baroque piece, and so I chose to play a keyboard sonata by Scarlatti, and this week my teacher actually remembered to bring the music to give to me! He lent me three books of sonatas, so I spent the afternoon listening to Scarlatti until I reached the limit on the Scarlatti midi website. I think I like Scarlatti now!

Later in the evening I went over to Phoebe's work to meet up with her to go to the fireworks at the Trusts Stadium. Because her boss's kids wanted to come as well, I ended up walking with her, the kids and Aonghas (who wanted to come along as well). We came late to pick her up because my mum couldn't remember whether she left the stove on or not, and we couldn't trust Hamish to use his initiative (doubt he knows how to work the stove!).

The fireworks were about to start at 8.30 and we had 15 minutes so we walked all the way down Lincoln Rd and cut across the field to the stadium. We managed to get there in time, and met up with Aone, Alex, Natasha (just had a intelligent moment so that one was Natasha! Click!) and then we all went over to sit at on the steps to watch the fireworks.

When we sat down there was some Chinese guy teaching everyone how to say NI HAO ZHONG GUO (hello China!) as CCTV (a TV station in China) were going to broadcast the event to China. That was weird I'm not too sure people over in China would've understood what the crowd was trying to say!

The fireworks were really great! They went on for more than 15 minutes at least! There were also lasers and flames amongst other things. There were some fireworks that I hadn't seen before either!

Afterwards we walked back to the takeaways and waited for Phoebe's dad to drop us home. I tried getting a photo together with her and the kids but she didn't want to! Maybe she's ashamed to be seen near me or something lol

Anyway it was a pretty good night overall. I didn't see certain friends there (you know who you are! Hope you didn't get up to no good!) but I'm sure they DEFINITELY had a good time!

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