Friday 31 December 2010

Year In Review

Time for my annual Year In Review, looking at the first sentence of the first blog post of each month with a summary of what happened that month:


"Wow 2009 is finally over, the first decade of the 21st century has passed and 2010 is just beginning!"

- Sky Tower fireworks are a bit of a disappointment
- Spray the house with '30 Seconds Spray and Walk Away'
- Have a sleepover at the Chins', and get my hair straightened
- Fine dining for Diane's 21st and do a bit of clubbing
- Help out with children's summer programme at church, I'm in charge of singing
- BBQ at Grace's!
- The church congregation goes for an outing to the Botanical Gardens
- I have Wendy's on my 21st and KFC with the Chins and Grace 
- I score a job as a Student Ambassador at University of Auckland
- Some Indian lady cons us into giving her our peaches!


'Last Friday night was the first 'official' youth group of the year. There wasn't much planned for the night except for a potluck dinner where we each had to bring a plate of food to share.'

- First youth group of the year, get the letter I wrote to myself back
- Have a reunion for children's programme helpers, as well as a shared dinner for my mum's church group
- My alternative NZ flag makes it on the NZ Herald website!
- I have a 21st birthday at my cousins' house on Waitangi Day
- Chinese New Year Festivals!
- Watch Avatar for the second time, this time with the family
- Bye-bye old brown couch
- Jeremy and Asumi get married!
- Diane and I have a catch-up and spend the time at the park
- Meet my recorder students for the first time


'Last week was Orientation Week, in which I spent helping out as a Student Ambassador around uni. Okay, maybe it would be more accurate to say that I was paid to be a Student Ambassador!'

- Orientation Week and I help out as an ambassador!
- Lantern Festival and Japan Festival brings out the Asian in us
- I hurt myself twice in the aseptic dispensing lab, smashing stuff on my hands
- Join all these clubs at uni, rejoin an entirely new Dessert Club Committee
- Lecturer chucks chalk at me for falling asleep in his lecture
- Have a couple meet-ups with Student Life people
- Learn about STI's!
- Our car tyre blows out on the way to Piano Traders
- Our church goes on camp!
- I find a black beetle in my hot chocolate from McDonald's
- We have fun at Jennifer's 20th birthday
- Pita and Estee get engaged!
- My uncle's health takes a turn for the worst
- Our Dessert Club tries to sell cake at uni after a movie day


'I completely forgot it was April Fools' Day again for the second year in a row! I had an aseptic dispensing lab all morning and only realised after midday when I was in the toilet! Grrrrr!'

- I miss April Fools Day again!
- Special Easter service at church
- Jennifer and Derek from church get baptised
- Dessert Club have their first Easter Bunny Hunt!
- I attend a first aid course and get a certificate
- We buy a massive amount of ice-cream that will last us the next year
- Gabrielle gets engaged!
- My brothers and I go out for Korean BBQ with some Student Life people
- Oddfellows have an Ultra-Mega-Get-Together, we go watch KickA$$
- A week later Oddfellows go bowling, first day for Amy!
- Keep getting complained at in dispensing labs


'Today I taught my new class of beginners for the first time! Originally I was expecting only two new students (twin brothers), but in the end I got four!'

- Number of recorder students continues to grow
- 4th Year Pharmacy class dinner at La Porchetta
- Dessert Club holds their annual Pie Eating Competition, we make a whole lot of pies
- Oddfellows perform/rap Jay Chou's 'Ting Ma Ma de Hua' for mothers on Mothers Day
- Celebrate Jane's 21st 


'RIP our beloved rabbit Caramello. We've had her for many years, but she passed away this morning when our dad went outside to feed her and clean up her hutch, only to find her motionless.'

- RIP our rabbit Caramello
- RIP Uncle David, who passed away on first day of exams
- Impressed with quality of choirs at The Big Sing Choral Festival
- Oddfellows put on a musical to farewell our leader Karvin
-  Spend a week in Christchurch on hospital placement, staying with the relatives


'This was the last day I would be staying at the Borastons’ house as they would be leaving tomorrow for Blenheim to go olive-picking.'

- Travel to Wellington for a day for a job interview in Lower Hutt
- Spend a week working at a community pharmacy
- The Huang family come from Australia to visit! We visit Western Springs and dine at Valentine's
- Oddfellows have a sleepover at church
- Last ever semester at uni starts, bump into Zippo
- Get hooked on Asian drama
- Rejected by Lower Hutt Hospital for a job
- Have another job interview at a community pharmacy
- Our pharmacy indoor soccer team comes 2nd...again


'I attended my first MHSSSO (Medical Health Sciences Students Symphony Orchestra) rehearsal tonight after a while.'

- Attended first MHSSSO (Medical and Health Sciences Students Symphony Orchestra) rehearsal, felt exposed as only violist
- Jesus Week at uni, get asked some really weird questions
- Go through the Yellow Pages, contacting almost every pharmacy in West Auckland looking for a job
- Free pizza for pharmacy students!
- We support Phillip at the Rutherford X-Factor competition, seeing him take out 2nd place
- We then support Cleo at her school's Chinese Extravaganza
- Angie and I catch up over lunch a few times
- Another job interview all the way in Hobsonville
- We farewell Mr Yale, Jonathan
- KBB School Orchestra Festival!!
- Job interview at Campus Pharmacy
- I help out as ambassador at uni Courses and Careers Day
- Rayson's live stream of his wedding doesn't work, so we just hang out at the Chin's
- Dessert Club's Epic Race turns out to be too epic for some
- I get a job!


'This morning I finally managed to get my mum to give me a haircut after the AA man came to fix our car.'

- Chen, Rose and I have lunch together, revisiting old memories 
- Alice invites me to join her MCC team and compete in a case competition - we reach the finals
- Some Hari Krishna woman cons me into paying for her book
- We support Eva in her school's production
- Naughty kids disrupt my music class and I have to kick them out
- The MHSSSO performs at a charity concert
- It's the Pharmacy Ball/Formal Dinner!
- My USB Stick of 4 years dies on me, and I lose all my work


'After spending a whole year together, our group finally got our final year dissertation finished today! '

- Our research dissertation is finally complete and gets printed!
- I get my thumbnail buffed and polished
- I buy an iPod Touch!
- We learn how to encourage people to quit smoking
- I meet up with Rutherford friends for a Japanese dinner
- I buy a massive bolo bao while having lunch with Angie, then bump into Zippo!
- Oddfellows have a baking night
- We get our leaver's hoodies for pharmacy! 
- We have our last classes ever
- I farewell Dessert Club by giving a speech at the AGM 


'This morning I had my PHARMACY408 OSCE (oral exam). I don't do so well in the dispensing lab and with this whole lab process as I always end up making stupid mistakes, or get criticised by the supervisors for one thing or the other.'

- Exams are over, freedom! But...nothing to do...
- We give our dissertation presentation and give our supervisors lolly jars with cartoons of ourselves on them
- Try to make origami Pokemon out of total boredom
- We check out the new Chinatown in East Tamaki!
- Phillip, our old neighbour comes over with his fiance and we set off some fireworks
- Lindsey holds a dinner/BBQ to celebrate his birthday
- We watch the Waitakere Fireworks from church, I trip over and scrape myself all over after challenging a girl to a sprint in the church carpark
- Mum buys a deep-fryer, we deep-fry stuff!
- I grow long facial hair due to my injuries from the sprint race, but soon shave it all off
- A few of us from church spend the whole day at Kathmandu before having dinner together
- The final Dessert Club event of the year - Mulan Rouge!
- We buy a small BBQ set, put together and try it out on Hamish's birthday
- Celebrate Zahir's birthday by playing Xbox Kinect
- Celebrate Zahir's girlfriend Alex and Yeeping's birthday at a party a week later
- Aonghas gets a lot of cakes on his birthday, we go out for dinner and visit the Telecom Christmas Tree


'I got a letter in the mail from Santa Claus!'

- My students make me proud at the end of year concert
- We sing carols at Waitakere Hospital
- Us Rutherford friends have a Post-Exam/Pre-Christmas dinner at an Italian restaurant
- We rehearse hard for the church's Christmas play
- It's Janice's 21st birthday party and this time we make it!
- We farewell James at the airport early in the morning
- Sing carols outside Asian grocery stores later that same day
- Scholastica shouts me buffet lunch!
- We have a church auction to fundraise for the church building
- We also play music at the church's Christmas service
- Catch up with Chen and Diane over Nando's and bowling
- I buy my Desire
- Jireh and I go do some manly shopping
- It's Christmas Eve and time to perform the Christmas play!
- We hang out at the park for a BBQ on Christmas Day
- Spend Boxing Day at church and dinner with the relatives

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