Friday 24 December 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!

It's one more day till Christmas Day! It feels like I've got a lot to do! I've got Christmas emails to send, a Christmas play to rehearse and perform in (and make sure I don't stuff up in!), a Secret Santa present I have to wrap (mummy help me!!)...

For some reason though, this year I haven't been feeling the Christmas spirit as much. I don't know why, whether it's too much commercialism, being too busy preparing for the Christmas play or what. Don't get me wrong though. I have to admit I sort of enjoy the hustle and bustle of last minute Christmas shopping with Christmas carols (even if some of the remakes are terrible!) blasting out of the shopping mall loudspeakers. I have enjoyed listening to Christmas carols though!

Every year I try to send Christmas emails out to everyone in my contacts just because it's a nice thing to do, it helps me reconnect with people I haven't talked to in a while, and also lets me 'express my true feelings'! No seriously, it allows me just to say nice things to others, something we should be doing a lot more than just once a year in an email. This year with people using their email addresses less or changing them without informing me, and being on Facebook, it's getting all a little too complicated and messy so I don't know whether I'll be staying up to type 200+ emails tonight. Last year I started texting some of the people, but that doesn't allow you to really say much though. There's also way too many people on Facebook to message every single one of them! I'll have to figure something out. I really don't like sending out mass emails as I know how it feels sometimes to receive a very impersonal email that has been sent to everyone (although I still do appreciate them nonetheless!).

Anyway I better get off and prepare for Christmas! Stay tuned to see whether I avoid publicly embarrassing myself tonight!

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