Saturday 25 December 2010


The day is finally here! Hopefully you all have a great day of no shopping, Christmas-related-commercial-free TV and spending good quality time together with your family!

My annual tradition of sending out Christmas emails to people may not work as well this year with my laptop freezing on me every so often, so if I don't wish you a Merry Christmas it's not because I don't like you! ;) 

Thanks for putting up with me this year. I've enjoyed being friends with everyone I've known and have enjoyed the friendships I've made and the time I've spent with you guys. 

Next year will be a big change for me, moving onto full-time work but hopefully this doesn't change things between my friends and that I'll still be able to catch up with you all and stay in touch with you. 

Have a great holiday everyone!

(I'll post about the Calum-did-not-stuff-up-too-much-Christmas-play a little later!)

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