Tuesday 28 December 2010

A Facebook Status Year in Review

Here's a look back at 2010 through Facebook statuses!

Calum discovered the magic of 30 Seconds - *Spray and Walk Away!!* today!
Battleship grey 
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! I'll get around to thanking you all personally soon! 
I'm not Harry Jenson, but I wish I was!
Doppelgänger week...during this week please change your profile picture tosomeone/something famous you have been told you look like for the week.Copy & paste this for your status. (Mine's Keanu Reeves' forehead...not the rest of the face though) 
Calum has been enjoying watching the figure skating at the Olympics today!
Calum really hopes he gets his uni timetable sometime soon so he can see if he can sleep in! 
Calum is very concerned for Radio New Zealand's future under National! 
Calum has to perform a violin solo at a wedding...eeek! (There's a reason why I haven't done this before!) 
Calum will be helping out at the help desk outside the UoA Clock Tower this week so come say hi and give him something to do! 
Calum is sooo tired and uni hasn't even started..... 
Calum now has two accident/incident report forms to fill out after today's aseptic dispensing lab! 
Oh how things change so quickly... 
Don't fall asleep in class, don't fall asleep in class, don't fall asleeeee...... 
Calum didn't get slaughtered in dispensing lab today! Yuss there is still hope!
Calum got a wake up call...time to work hard! 
Calum is loving Radio New Zealand Concert's Afternoon Requests today 
Calum thought I'd finally find out what all this talk about Justin Bieber was...now can't get his music out of my head! 
Anyone need CPR? Or maybe an abdominal thrust? 
Third time I've told myself I'll work hard and actually do work all day...tomorrow I'll really start! 
Time to do it all again! 
A Maree Jensonism - 'People who don't put their name on their work deserve to DIE!' 
Calum is finally on a roll at 1.42 in the morning! 
Calum is having fun learning SPSS! 
Calum wishes he could go check out the World Expo! 
Tortara and Derrickson...reliving the memories! 
Calum better get the CV and cover letters done or else all the job application deadlines will come and pass! 
Calum feels a little disconnected! 
Calum can't remember how many people he's promised to sponsor for 40 Hour Famine! :O 
Boo to you Vodafone! 
struggle struggle struggle... 
Filling the brain with drugs 
Calum could tell what they meant on Shortland St tonight when that guy's GCS score went down from 14 to 9! Studying is paying off! 
One more week, one more week.... 
Calum wonders how they manage to get so many crazy people to appear on Neighbours at War! 
Wow the high school choirs at The Big Sing have been great today! 
Sorting out all of my semester one notes, if only I could just chuck them all away and never have to read them again! 
Why does it have to be so hard to get a fire going? 
Go home Italy!! 
Calum thinks he might have just gotten addicted to Asian drama :S 
Ooooh well....Bye bye Italy! 
Calum doesn't want to go! 
Calum is leaving Auckland on a plane for the first time in over 10 years! Please please plane don't let me down! (this is what disaster movies do to you...) 
Calum is finally back in Auckland for a day! 
Back in Auckland...again...for good! 
Paul the Octopus predicts Spain will win, but Mani the Parakeet predicts Netherlands will! Who to believe??? 
Here comes the most exciting week of this year...community pharmacy placement week! Oh fun! 
So it turns out my cat can pick losers! 
so maybe working at a community pharmacy isn't too bad after all... 
Calum needs to stop short-changing customers! 
Waaahhhhh why do I keep getting rejected! 
you're cool 
Oh Chris Carter you're so funny 
Woah was everyone watching Inception tonight?
Calum is loving Ben Calum Anderson Wong's middle name!
Phillip Wang is the master beat-boxer! See Jenny Wang and Amelia Wong, Rutherford does have talent! :P 
EGGS Chinese Extravaganza was Extrava...ganza...tastic! GO Cleo Chin!!! 
Calum might just have a plan... 
Calum Has a greater appreciation for brass 
Calum Sometimes some things are best kept in! 
Calum accidentally sat on my phone and broke the cover. Very soon I'll have no choice BUT to get a new phone! :D 
After many applications and interviews I've finally got an internship! Now to make sure I don't fail the exams! 
OK tomorrow I shall try to start my assignment for the fourth time 
Calum has just written 1000 words of rubbish, that should be enough for tonight 
Antonia Su owes me one, just to make it official
Calum had a great time at our last pharmacy ball!
Dissertation is almost over! Yay!! 
Wasting too much time reminiscing over old photos!
No Paul Henry you can't resign!!! 
Calum Is starting to enjoy law readings... 
Calum Is outraged! How could Camp Rock lose to Camp Star?! 
Antonia Su picks on little boys ! 
Congrats to 2011 Dessert Club Committee members and thanks for the gift! Gonna miss working with you guys! 
trying to do anything BUT 408 
6 minutes is not enough! Prepare for presentation on steroids! 
Bye-bye Waitakere City! 
Calum ok that's it! who's calling me and trying to scare me tonight? 
Exams all done for now at least...hopefully forever! 
what to do now... 
Argh my face!! 
Anne Tolley's really in the #$(* now isn't she? 
Why can't cooking be as easy as Cooking Mama? 
Chocolate overload! 
Calum had a great Completion Ceremony! Uni is finally definitely over! 
Some of the newer versions of Christmas carols are quite awful aren't they? 
Well since everyone else is doing it... 
Calum Just found my first grey hair! :O I'm too young too young to have grey hair!

Time to save money!

My phone can't even make two minute phone calls! 
Merry Christmas Everyone! (now there's an original Facebook status)

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