Thursday 16 December 2010

Getting the Travel Bug

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York is on right now, and there was a really nice shot of the New York skyline. The Amazing Race has also been playing during the middle of the day everyday. These two shows have really started making me wish I could get out of Auckland and explore the world a bit more!

Admittedly, this year I have traveled out of Auckland more than I ever have in the past ten years, having to first fly down to Christchurch for my hospital placement, and then to Wellington for a job interview. Those were great experiences.

So here are the places I'd most like to visit!

Hong Kong - My mum's hometown (and I'd like to think my second hometown despite the fact I haven't been there in over fifteen years!)

China (and Taiwan) - I'd love to visit China and check out both the ancient and modern buildings! I've always thought about the possibility of living in China for maybe a year or so to try improve my Chinese, even though it'd be quite a big step involving leaving family and friends behind in New Zealand!

South Korea - Some of my best friends are from Korea, and so are Girls Generation! OK maybe not the latter, but it would be cool to see what the home country of my best friends is like. There are also plenty of opportunities to teach English there too, so that would be a good experience.

Australia - Very close to NZ, just a jump across the Tasman. It'd be interesting to see what things are like across the ditch. I'd also like to visit Brisbane, where some of our family friends live so they can take us around. We were considering visiting Brisbane this month to return the favour since they came to visit earlier in the year, but then we realised it'd be quite costly, so the plan was shelved :(

And last but not least...the US of A! When you see it so much on TV, you can't help but wonder what it's like in real life! Aonghas was really lucky to be given the opportunity to visit America a couple years ago. He really enjoyed it! It'd be pretty cool to do Camp America over there too! I'd have to wait till after I complete my internship first though!

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