Sunday 12 December 2010

Third Birthday in a Row

So for the third Sunday in a row it was someone's birthday. This time it was Angie's 21st, so it was slightly more special! 

Because Jireh was helping with the children's service and Aonghas still sleeping at home (wasted after waking up really early to farewell James at the airport!), I wasn't too sure whether we'd be able to surprise her with a cake. However, I managed to come out of the service halfway through to ring Aonghas, partially to wake him up and get him to come to church, and also to get him to buy a cake on the way there.

Aonghas did manage to buy a cake and bring it to church, but by the time he got there the service had finished and Angie had already gone to Sunday School, so I gathered as many youth groupers as I could find and we headed for the Sunday School class and surprised her with a rendition of Happy Birthday and the cake!

For our last Sunday School class of the year, we didn't do any study and instead just talked about random stuff like...Asian drama! (I was sorta the one who brought up that subject...)

Last week Angie and I had also managed to persuade our teacher to let us order food along with the other Sunday School classes since it was our last class of the year, so Tim, a Sunday School teacher of another class came over to take our order for McDonald's. We just had McDonald's for breakfast with Jireh, so we'd be having McDonald's twice in one day! I originally ordered one burger as I still wasn't feeling so well after the morning (and still being slightly bloated from the night before) but they must've thought I wanted the combo, so I got a combo!

We had to go caroling outside some Asian grocery stores after lunch (I'll post about that later on). When we got back to church, I gave Angie this birthday present I had bought for her - this teddy bear container with jelly in it. I remembered her pointing out to it one time when we went to this Asian bakery in the city one time when we were having lunch together. It sounded like she was surprised I remembered/knew what she wanted (I hope?), but hopefully she liked it anyway.

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