Friday 10 December 2010

Preparing for Christmas

Our church's Christmas play/concert is fast approaching, so for the past few Fridays we've been rehearsing our youth group's part of the play. We're doing the nativity scene. Aonghas is playing Joseph and Angie is playing Mary, while yours truly will be playing...the Angel!! I also have to provide sound effects with my cello!  Just call me the sound effects guy..

Jenny, one of the girls in our youth group who steered our youth group's earlier farewell musical for Karvin has been directing us again this year. She's been doing a good job, and seems to know what she wants.

So anyway I seem to be having trouble remembering my lines! I think it's because my lines aren't exactly what you'd call modern day conversational English if you get my drift. That makes it a whole lot harder for me to memorise! I asked if I could just improvise, but I was asked to stick to the script because I'm bound to say something PC!
(Thanks On for all the photos in this post!)

Because I'm an angel, I have to be high up, so I'll be standing up above the 'Crying Room', which is kinda cool as I get a bit of a birds-eye view of down below. It gets a little boring sometimes though since I'm only in the first and last scene.

We had a dress rehearsal tonight, and even though I screwed up my lines in the first run-through, I managed to get through them all the second time, despite the girls picking on me, complaining that I missed ONE single word!

Next week is our final, final dress rehearsal before the big performance on Christmas Eve!

Here's a taste of what we've been rehearsing:

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