Thursday 9 June 2011

Stupid Laptop DIES!

Here's the situation: My assignment is due tomorrow, so I have to post it by today in order for it to arrive in Wellington on time. I decided I'd put the finishing to my assignment as soon as I got home last night and so it'd be all ready to send by today. My laptop didn't agree though...

When I got home, I tried turning on my laptop but while it turned on, nothing appeared on the screen! It would momentarily turn on but as soon as I moved the cursor it would go black again!

I had no idea what to do, and so tried taking out the hard drive, thinking I could maybe plug it to my external hard drive connection thing. I had to get Aonghas to help me over Skype since he was working at uni till midnight. Anyway it was all a waste of time since it turns out my hard drive is too old to use the connection!

Fortunately I had a saved version from a week ago on my USB drive, and I had printed out my latest copy that I showed my preceptor the day before. Now I had to go through all my pages and find any changes I had made and update my electronic version, and it was almost midnight by now...great....

Aonghas got home some time after midnight and thought he'd try hook my laptop up to the TV to see if it was really a problem with the monitor. It looks like it was, as he was able to see my desktop normally on the TV! He copied all my assignment files onto a USB and I was able to work off those.

I didn't end up sleeping till 4.30am, but not for long as I had to wake up at 6.30am to catch the bus to work! Oh, I also had to print two copies of all my documents, which ended up being about 20-30 pages each.

I don't think I left the house till 8am, which had me worried I wouldn't make it to work by 9am! My dad ended up driving me to work, and surprisingly (and fortunately) the motorway was clear! I made it to work 15 minutes early!

I spent my whole lunch break reprinting pages and after work had to reprint a few I realised were wrong, and put it in the post just in time for the 6pm pick-up.

Good riddens, Assignment 3! They better not make me resubmit!

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