Saturday 4 June 2011

Sitting and Thinking

So after I had discovered my friend had caught the bus without me as I was walking through Albert Park, I decided to give up on power-walking to the bus stop and just sat on a nearby park bench...doing nothing much except just sitting, taking in the view from around me, and thinking about all kinds of stuff, like why some things have to change!

I've been told that people change, and relationships/friendships will never remain the same, and that's what makes me sad because quite often I've found no matter how much energy and time you put into a friendship, you find it all going downhill over time when the other person either loses interest in you, finds someone else to move on to, or whatever. It feels like there's an expiry date and once you've hit it, it's time to move on and meet new people, make new friends, and then move on again. It makes me sometimes wonder what the point is, except for temporary entertainment till the next person comes along.

I guess that's why we only really have a few really great friends who will remain the same and be there for you till the end...

Why did I think about all this? I have no idea! Anyway you can spend 20 seconds of your life staring into emptiness too if you like! See what it makes you think about:

1 comment:

  1. ToT so gt me thinking calum!!=p
