Thursday 9 June 2011

Marking the End of a Life and Beginning of Another

Tonight was the first time my family and our relatives on my dad's side of the family got together for a family dinner in a long time! What made today doubly special was that not only was it exactly a year since our Uncle David passed away, but it was going to be the first time we'd get to meet our cousin Greg's new daughter Vida! She was born about a month ago now!

Hamish, Aonghas and I arrived late because of work/studying at uni, so we were the last to have dinner (lasagne, roast vegetables yum yum!) before dessert was served (pavlova, truffle YUMYUM!).

We all got to briefly introduce ourselves to Vida before they had to take her into another room for rest I think. She was quite a loud girl!

After the meals were out of the way, we all just sat around and caught up, which was really good after a long time apart. Our cousins have formed their own basketball team to play in a league, so my brothers and I will have to go support them sometime!

The night was getting on and our aunty and uncle had to leave, so we all had a group photo before we parted our separate ways. We'll have to catch up again sometime soon!

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