Sunday 12 June 2011


We had church this morning, with me having to lead kids worship. I chose to do two Chinese songs, so I had been practising last night and in the shower this morning. Fortunately it went OK and any screw-ups were covered up by my helpers Angie, Sharon and Amelia!

I got a little side-tracked during the main service though thanks to Rebecca...

We have a history of competing in challenges to see who has to suffer the punishment, so I challenged her to a food eating competition, with the loser having to have a mono-brow drawn on their face for this coming Friday's combined youth fellowship with the city church. We were originally going to do marshmellows but I didn't have time to buy any. Instead, it became an Egg Eating Competition!

I swear I won that! Rebecca won't accept it though so I don't know who will be mono-browing it on Friday though! I reckon she should!

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