Tuesday 3 April 2007

On That Note...

One test down, two more to go! I spent nearly all day studying for chemistry! I went over to the Information Commons originally just to have something to eat with my friends Alice and Kevin till Alice had to go to her lecture, but then Kevin and I just ended up staying there for the rest of the day studying. The Information Commons is different to the library in that there are tables for study groups, and you're allowed to talk loud, eat, and everything whereas the library is just silent!

Kevin and I were sitting at this table when these two other girls came over and sat at the opposite end of the table. One girl started rambling on to her friend about how her boyfriend never makes the first move and is always expecting her to make suggestions and how she was f'ing annoyed at her f'ing boyfriend and if only he could have an f'n clue. Apparently he bought her roses but roses are SOOO just a cheap easy way out that doesn't show you've put much effort into it, especially when they're cheap roses despite all being the same length, but even if he would've suggested a walk on the beach or go out for dinner or a movie or something...

OK you get the picture! She concluded that guys are stupid f*ks. As I continued working through a past chemistry paper I just had a little grin on my face, and the girl saw it and said

"Oh you've been listening?"

And I just told her...

"Don't mind me!"

I know I shouldn't have been eavesdropping but how could I have not heard it! Anyway I will think twice before I buy flowers for a girl next time and I will make the first moves! By the way I'm still single if anyone's.....;);)

The chemistry test was at 6.30pm at night yeah reeeeally late, but fortunately it was for only an hour. The format of the test was the same as every other year, maybe slightly easier, but I won't say anything just in case I jynx it!

It's funny that this week lecture theatres are only just about half full as everyone is probably staying home to study! We have this new lecturer for population health who everyone thinks is dead boooooring and reminds them of high school. Yesterday he told some people who were talking to stop and

"If you want to do the lecture then be my guest. I don't mind if I don't do this lecture you know..."

Fortunately I was in the overflow theatre with the videolink so I just went off to sleep!

As the semester break approaches I've been doing a bit of thinking about what to do with my future (as if I haven't done enough of that already!), and I've come to the conclusion that...I really don't know! I'm not too sure if I want to continue all year doing health science and instead switch to law in the second semester so I don't waste too much of my scholarship, or whether I should just change to some other type of science, or what!

Anyway I've got a biosci test tomorrow night for two hours oh yay and so I better get some more studying done!

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