Thursday 12 April 2007

Who Let Those DOGS Out?!

I had my greatest fear (or one of those near the top besides confronting someone with a gun or other dangerous weapon) when delivering newspapers on Tuesday -DOGS. Not since delivering newspapers down Phoebe's road have I had to worry for my safety while on the job!

I was walking down the road delivering newspapers when I thought I saw these two dogs wandering along on the footpath! I saw this guy near them walking so I thought maybe they're his dogs, but when the man walked past me, he was without any dogs! I kept on delivering, hoping I was just seeing things, but nope there were those dogs! They had wandered into someone's backyard, sniffing stuff, but fortunately they didn't see me so I quickly pretended like I never saw them and got out of sight.

I was pretty relieved not to see the dogs again as I walked down the other side of the road back home, but guess who (or what) just happens to cross the street? The two dogs! With a newspaper in hand, I went over all the knowledge I had of how to deal with dogs so they don't confront you:
- Don't run
- Don't panic
- Pretend you don't see them
- If all else fails poke them in the eyes

I had these two dogs on either side of me, hot on my trail with me! Luckily this car pulled out of a driveway and caught their attention. At that moment I powerwalked my way back inside and shut the door as fast as I could!

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