Sunday 22 April 2007

A Little Blunder

These past few days I've been staying up really late and waking up really late for some reason! Must be that America's Cup! I've been having a competition with my friend Diane to see who can wake up the earliest but so far it's 3-0 to her.. Anyway finally there was sailing yesterday, and then Team New Zealand loses! Actually New Zealand has lost quite a bit this weekend haven't they? Hammered in the cricket, smashed in league and embarrassed in sailing! Oh well the race got exciting towards the end anyway. Doesn't look like there'll be any racing tonight though.
I've been feeding off my Easter rabbit over the past few nights. It went from beheaded rabbit to rabbit with no head or body, so now it's like my regular nightly fix of chocolate! Gotta have it!
Once again I burnt another bun in the toaster on Friday. My mum went out shopping in the morning and I was hungry. The bun was stale and so I chucked it in the toaster. I soon forgot about it, and when it suddenly came back in my mind, I rushed to the kitchen only to find it all burnt! I was about to remove it and get rid of the evidence and smell before my mum came home but guess who just pulled into the drive? My mum!! My dad came over asking me what the smell was but I tried telling him to keep it cool and pretend nothing had happened. Unfortunately that didn't work. My mum came into the door and instantly knew that something had been burning!
We later went to yum cha that day. It's our family custom to go do yum cha each holidays. That day we were a bit late to get there and so there wasn't much food left. We were one of the last people to leave the place! We ended up wandering down the streets of Onehunga checking out the cheap stuff. Most of the clothes were XXL size though!
We decided to check out the new parts of Sylvia Park. Man Sylvia Park is the complete opposite to Onehunga! Everything there was quite expensive! Aonghas and I went over to the Vodafone shops where we could try out all the cellphones. We ended up trying to send as much stuff from their phones to ours through bluetooth.
The Dicksmith Powerhouse is massive there as well, instantly the largest Dick Smith I've seen so far! Aonghas was playing around with the car stereo systems on display and accidently pressed a button that switched to radio which was on FULL BLAST! It sounded like something exploded! Somehow he managed to flick back though! I just quickly walked off pretending I didn't know that guy!
We soon had to return home because Aonghas was going to Spookers for a friend's birthday party.
On Saturday all I really had was accordion lessons. I spent quite a bit of time before the lesson just talking to Jessica (arch-rival in accordion!!). When I went in for my accordion lesson my teacher asked me about which pieces I had submitted for the competitions. When I told him, he had this puzzled face. I then discovered that I had entered the wrong class for the accordion competitions! I suppose at least I don't have to compete against Jessica now but I'll have to compete in the class I've been competing in for the past two years and haven't won! Hopefully this time I'll be lucky!

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