Monday 9 April 2007

Church Birthday

Yesterday marked our church's 30th Anniversary celebrations so the Sunday morning was a little different. We arrived at church and had to park all the way at the back of the car park, which is probably a first as it's never been that full! When we walked inside, the hall was all full so we had to sit in the foyer and watch through the window! The rows of people stretched all the way back into the large room where there's a basketball court and everything (they have sliding walls). Hey and look who was there as well...Angie! She must've found out that we didn't have Sunday School!

Anyway we all sat a little further back from them. There were performances from our church choir, and then the sermon. I managed to stay awake throughout the whole thing, but that was only because I was singing to myself in my know like I'M NOT AFRAID TO KEEP ON LIVING blablabla amongst other things as well... Some other people didn't manage to stay...zzzz...! That was funny I saw her head bobbing up and down, and then after a while her head just stayed down for a while!

Finally the sermon was over, and then we got to hear two other choirs from two other churches perform. I don't know whether it was just the girl screaming in the nearby microphone or if it was just a feel-good feeling all round, but I got the shivers from listening to them!

Next along came the kids who sang a few songs, and then all the baptisms. They have this part of the stage floor which is removable and is covering this little bath thing for baptisms. They did a few baptisms, and we sang some songs, they awarded certificates, then made announcements and then the service was over! We then all went outside the church for a massive group photo. I'm not too sure if the photographer was able to fit it all in! We all then went back inside to have lunch - we were each given a box of 'sandwiches and other little delicacies' as they call it!

Happy 30th Anniversary Auckland Christian Mandarin Church!

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