Saturday 28 April 2007

A Bit of Spare Time

Yesterday a whole lot of pressure was lifted off me after I sat my last test, and for the first time in a while I had some free time to do whatever I liked!

Chemistry and biosci lectures were so boring in the morning, or maybe I just didn't get enough sleep the night before and was compensating for it during the lecture...I actually slept in in the morning, and woke up half an hour late! I only had about twenty minutes to prepare myself before I had to rush off to catch the bus. Fortunately I managed to catch the later bus which got me into the city in just enough time.

After my two boring lectures I caught the bus over to Tamaki to study for my population health test. I had an hour to sit it but because I missed out on breakfast, my stomach was making heaps of noise in the library and so I went outside to simultaneously eat and study, before going off into the lecture theatre for the test.

The test wasn't too bad, well the first half wasn't as it was just multichoice questions. The short answer questions weren't too bad either, but it would've been better if we had more than just fifty minutes to complete the test! We were expected to write a bout a page for each of the four questions!

I managed to finish just in time and so instead of collecting my assignment I rushed to the bus so I wouldn't get stuck in the Tamaki graveyard for another hour.

Once I was back in the city I felt FREE!!! Now I just had to think of how to spend my freedom! I decided I'd first collect my test papers before I walk past the place where Shrikkanth, David and Shen usually sit to see if they're there (but they weren't) and then when I ran out of ideas I decided to check out the music school. Just before that though I went to have a talk to Julie over at AUT for a little bit. Apparently Phoebe's cousin saw me! Funny that, because I thought I saw her cousin on the bus in the morning, but turns out it wasn't her so thank goodness I didn't say hi!

After meeting Julie I went over to the music school. Unfortunately the lunchtime concert was cancelled due to an illness, but that didn't matter as I was half an hour late for it had it taken place anyway. I went in to check out the music and play around with photocopy machine. I needed some more music for my recorder classes, but sadly the music school didn't have too many recorder ensemble music.

A while later I decided I'd go check out the Auckland Public Library. Outside the library on the footpath was this tiny house, about the size of a doll's house with a man crouched inside it playing a mini piano. I have no idea what point it was trying to make or what the purpose of it was, but I'm guessing it was some sort of artwork

Anyway boy is that library huge! They now have free internet there too, and as I had guessed, all the computers were occupied. After checking out the sheet music section, I found the 'news section' where they had the newspapers and a large screen with BBC World playing continuously. What a dream!

I soon decided it was time to head back to uni after reading the newspapers for a couple of hours. When I walked through the Information Commons I came across Aneesya who told me Kat was upstairs, and so I went upstairs, and for the first time I've been at uni this year, realised there were two more levels to the Kate Edgar Information Commons! I never knew there was a third and fourth level! I'll probably be visiting those levels more often from now on! Anyway I found Kat and talked to her for a while, catching up with her which was good. Soon Aneesya and Kat had to leave so I thought it was about time I got home, even though I didn't feel like going home! I know it's bad of me...I should be getting home!

Well I did get home eventually, just in time for Friends!

One thing I don't really understand is how all those people who hang around the quad and in Shadow's can manage to do so and have a life, when here I am, pretty much living in the library! I've got this daily schedule I've created for myself where I spend the first two hours of my three hour period between lectures where I study, and then I spend the last hour eating lunch at the park, or if I eat faster, only half an hour, before I go back to the library to do a bit more study. I would try catch up with friends but by the time I do, it would've already taken up quite a bit of time! There must be a more efficient way of using my time. Maybe that's how other people can fit in studies and a social life!

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