Tuesday 1 May 2007

New and the Usual

The weekend started off with a dinner at the cousins', this time because our other relatives from down in Christchurch came up to visit. We ended up getting to meet our long-lost second cousins! Well not exactly long-lost but just unknown! I would say what their names are but...I kinda forgot already...

Anyway us Anderson brothers hung out with the Anderson girls (from the other Anderson family) for a while just mucking around joking and stuff for most of the night, until dinner was served. We even talked quite a bit with our other cousins Jeremy and his girlfriend Asumi, who we don't talk to as much which was cool! We really wanted to try get to know our second cousins though, but they were sitting next to their mum! They seemed really bored too!

It was only right at the end when we were about to leave when we finally got to talk to them! Janice, my cousin went over to hug them and say goodbye, when I thought what the noggin why don't I join her! And so I went over to give out some hugs too! Aonghas then tried to break the ice as well by asking if we could all have a photo, so we did! We ended up talking a little and exchanging contact details. Now remember they're my cousins people!

Church on Sunday was the usual. I fell asleep during the service and Angie didn't show up again! I was adament I was going to share something in Sunday School this time round though! Usually everyone just sits there and say nothing, so I thought I'd try be different for a change and share something about what I read in this little Daily Journey booklet thing. I ended up sharing the same thing as my teacher!

So far uni this week has been OK, although I really need to sleep earlier! I keep falling asleep during lectures. Today I was in the lecture class with the lecturer for a change (usually I'm in the overflow room with the video feed), sitting in the third row from the front. I was hoping he didn't notice me falling asleep, but the guy I was sitting with noticed, telling me he could see my head nodding!

I've managed to catch up with quite a few old friends this week though which has been cool. I met up with Vicki in the library yesterday, and then again today with Amy, and I managed to find Shen and David during lunch as well!

Today after uni I was going to take the bus to Avondale College to support my brother's debating team, and so I was waiting and waiting at Britomart for the bus, but it never came! That's probably the first experience I've had with a bus that hasn't turned up. I ended up catching the bus home instead, and caught up with Michael Poh, who I haven't talked to in a while either!

I also finally got my Windows Vista DVD yesterday! It was originally couriered to me on Saturday morning while I was teaching recorder. Unfortunately though my brothers were fast asleep and didn't get the door, so I had to wait till yesterday to pick it up from the mail centre! Windows Vista isn't that bad. It takes a little longer to start up and shut down, but the graphics are pretty good!

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