Tuesday 22 May 2007

Tight on Time

Lately I've been really short on time. I had a population health test last Wednesday, and then had a chemistry test just last night and now I've got a population health assignment (which I haven't even started!!) to get done by this Wednesday! To add to the pressure the accordion championships are coming up in two weeks time and our trio and duet aren't up to scratch yet!

Last Thursday I caught up with the Student Life guy who wanted to meet me. At first I was a little bit scared he'd make me go out with him and spread the world of GOD! Fortunately though all he wanted to do was buy me coffee (actually hot chocolate..we both were novices) and have a chat. He just graduated from uni last year in engineering, and is working full time for Student Life this year. That's pretty cruisy! We talked for a while and then he answered some stupid questions I had before I had to go and do a bit of studying.

Church on Sunday was the usual. Angie turned up. I should probably stop making jokes about her only turning up three times in the last two months! Oh oh oh and I remembered my Sunday School teacher's name! It was a little embarrassing last week. I had to do the closing prayer and was in the middle of thanking my Sunday School teachers when...I couldn't remember her name! I think it must've been the last class for the term because the teacher brought food which was cool. Usually one of our stomachs rumble throughout class!

Yesterday I was considering skipping all my lectures just to study chemistry, which would give me a good ten hours of study! I decided that I might as well attend them all, despite falling asleep in them! I still managed to have about seven hours to study, but unfortunately the test didn't go too great!

I'm really seriously starting to consider Plan B more closely...whatever that may be...I don't think I'm good enough to get into medicine. I don't even know if I have the drive to get into medicine! Law was originally my Plan B, but after seeing how my law friends have heaps of assignments and readings to do, I'm not so sure now. Science is pretty cool in that we just have labs every couple of weeks to do, and the tests consist of short answer questions. We'll see how this plays out...It's not like it's that important, just my future we're talking about here :D

Heather's going down to Christchurch to study Cellular Biology and Molecular....something? I only just asked her last night for the third time as I keep forgetting it! (It just sounds so fancy!) I think she said something about wanting to get into forensics, which means she's going to leave me all alone as the only ex-Rutherfordian in Health Science...for now! It's going to be sad when she goes though! Seven years..all those good times! Hopefully no one else goes anywhere anytime soon!

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