Thursday 31 May 2007

Coming to a Close

Despite exams starting in a week's time, I've still been able to do a bit besides studying! On Monday I caught up with Alice who brought her Sony Vaio to uni and we shared stuff over bluetooth during lunch. Later that day I got a surprise text from Jacqueline, old Rutherford pal that she, Ben and Shen were going to catch up and asked if I wanted to meet up later that afternoon, so I caught up with them at Albert Park and we went over to the barber shop to watch Shen get his hair cut. We later went over to Atrium on Elliot where we sat around in the foodcourt while Shen had a bit of a feed and I ate my homemade sandwiches!

We then walked over to this huge arcade (Asian hotspot!) where we got into this Asian photo sticker booth thing and took a few photos. That was my very first time! I have lost my photo sticker booth thing virginity! One of the photos turned out good but in the others I seemed to blend in with the bright light in the background! After that we hopped on those car racing arcade games and had a couple races at Ben's expense (thanks Ben!!!!). Jacqueline surprised all of us guys buy whipping us and beating us all. I only managed second after constantly trying to ram into the back of her and spin her out!

As it got late we had to go our separate ways, but not before coming across Zeeman! (sorry if I spelt his name wrong) A bit weird seeing someone in a Rutherford College uniform down Queen Street at night!

On Tuesday we had a guest lecturer from Harvard University talking to us on poverty...or something... Now I was going to try stay awake for the whole lecture, and I managed to for three quarters of it, but I just had to lightly doze off in the last ten minutes! During the lecture I was listening to this Japanese guy talk and thinking to myself that his accent didn't quite sound American. At the end of the lecture it was announced he was from New Zealand, but graduated at the OTHER university Otago. We'll let that one go!

Later that evening for the first time, I managed to catch a bus to Avondale College to catch the debate between Rutherford and Rutherford, but not without a bit of trouble! I had never caught that bus before and so I wasn't sure which stop to get off at! I ended up getting off the stop before the one I was meant to get off at and had to walk further. I managed to make it to the debate on time, to make up the largest audience the debating teams had had all year! It was amusing watching the debates from the audience when usually you're the one in the debate. I'm glad the right team won..*cough* Aonghas's *cough*

Yesterday was a bit sad. It was the last time we'd ever have a Population Health 101 lecture and tutorial on a Wednesday! Actually Population Health 101 is pretty boring so maybe not that sad... I missed the bus back to the city when I got a photo together with my tutor Dee, and so I hung around Tamaki with my German friend Micheal, just eating and watching Dr Phil in the cafeteria.

Later that night while I was studying in the library, this loud siren went off at the Information Commons across the road. Being the sorta guy who likes to know what's going on, I packed up my gear, crossed the road and went to check out what was going on. There were at least five fire trucks parked outside the building, with all these firemen gathered around The Maidment Theatre's backstage door. After taking a few photos and nothing much happening, I thought I'd walk down to the ATM, get myself some money and buy some food and come back. When I got back, nothing much had happened..

Today I only had a chemistry and population health lecture, as the biosci lectures have finished for the semester (saaad!!!). Our biosci quiz was due today though so all these biosci people were frantically completing the quizzes on the library computers.

At the beginning of the population health lecture evaluation forms were passed around. I arrived late and so I didn't get one, but I was sitting next to this girl who was filling one out and read her responses:

What did you like about this course? "Not a lot"
What didn't you like about this course?


When the girl saw me smiling at her responses she asked me if I wanted to add anything to hers, and I just told her I would've written exactly the same thing!

Later in the day I was told I had a request available in the library, Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, this book that is hot in demand amongst the biosci students. I thought man I must be having a lucky day! Unfortunately it wasn't to be. I was told the wrong book was transferred to the General Library, so I had to go over to the Philson Library (the library at the medical school campus) to pick up another copy they had saved for me. When I got there though, they couldn't find it and came to the conclusion that the book saved for me was the lost copy!

Earlier in the day I tried borrowing this book Principles of Anatomy and Physiology but when the self-service machine wouldn't work I took it to the desk and it turned out that the book was already placed on hold!

We had a medicine and nursing information evening tonight. HEAPS of people attended, and we were told there would only be about 110 places available for medicine. I was sitting with a friend when I saw this girl in front of me who looked so much like Gwen I had to take a second look and even commented to my friend who probably thought I was a twat! Well it wasn't Gwen anyway. I got in touch with her for the first time in aaages yesterday morning for a little while which was cool. I haven't been in much contact with anyone at Rutherford for quite some time! I chatted to another friend from Rutherford just tonight though who told me heaps has been going on over there!

Anyway back to the information evening...After listening to the whole process of how to get into medicine, I have to say I'm a little turned off from trying to get into medicine now, not that I really wanted to in the first place! I just recently wasted $200 on registering for this UMAT test (which I now regret!), so I might as well carry out the rest of the year!

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