Tuesday 8 May 2007

Going on at Uni

It's all going on at university. OK not really that exciting, but I'm managing to get a slightly better work/play balance. I've caught up with my old friends more than once in the past two days!

Yesterday I had a mentoring session with my scholarship mentor, who's putting extra pressure on me to do even better in order to get into medicine (if I want to get in...) I was waiting for him when I came across George! That was interesting. We happened to talk about a certain person...My mentor eventually met up with me and so we went to the Quad to discuss  various things about uni, studies, etc. when Sarena and Amy came over! I haven't seen them in a while! (Sarena anyway...I've seen Amy a few times now)

This week has been Cultural Week at university, with yesterday being Tongan Day. There were Tongan dances and a reggae band with some really funny white guy dancing. He caught the eye of many people passing by, with many people thinking he was drunk! Today the cultural festivities continued.

Another thing going on at uni has been the blood drive that's happening all week. I was thinking that I might donate blood just for fun, since I've never done it before! So I'm looking for anyone who wants to come with me as moral support! Estee did it today and apparently you get a free donut and a bottle of water! Nice!!

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