Thursday 17 May 2007

All Somehow Connected

In the past couple of days it's amazing how many new people I've met and how many people I know that they know! It's like everyone's somehow connected!

After my morning lectures yesterday morning I spent my break studying with my German friend Michael, and afterwards we went to the Quad to have lunch, which is the first time I've had lunch with someone not from Rutherford!...Oh besides Alice of course...So we were just talking when a few of his ex-Howick College friends came along and joined him. It wasn't till we got down to the Library Basement Theatre foyer when I got started talking and getting to know them. Kieran (is that how you spell her name? That's probably the guy's version though), this half Indonesian half Chinese girl asked me what nationality I was and I told her I was half Chinese half kiwi. That's when they told me Andy, this other guy with them, was also a halfy too! I then also found out the other guy with them, Joey, was a friend of Sarena's! That's the only way he's heard of Rutherford College! (Usually people say they've never heard of our school before...)

Anyway Michael and I joined Richard and attended the population health lecture which was on....Maori Health PART TWO (snooooooze) An interesting quote (or something close to it) from our beloved lecturer Paaparangi Reid (probably spelt her name wrong as well!)

"We need to get away from calling it Maori health needs because they're not. They're Maori health RIGHTS" There was a collective sigh amongst the students in our lecture theatre!

I did a bit more studying with Michael in the library for a few mores hours...well if you can call it was more like sleeping for me! Once Michael had to go though I decided I was going to go buy something from Munchie Mart and fill myself! I ended up buying a big bag of potato chips and was about to sit outside and eat it when I came across Sean Koo and Lenny, who used to go to Rutherford College two years ago (a year ahead of me)! It's weird as just the day before I had lent my physics notes...well actually Lenny's physics notes that I had Angie, which got me wondering about Lenny and where she had gotten up to! I ended up following them down to the Information Commons where I met their 2nd year friends, most of who are doing commerce.

Once they had to go off to do their assignment I went off to do some study 'in isolation', expecting to be picked up by my parents at about 10pm. It turns out that Aonghas supposedly sent me a text earlier in the night telling me that plans had changed and that I had to catch a bus home myself, so I missed the bus and had to wait an hour to catch the 10.30 bus! I was just coming down the stairs when I saw Lenny and Sean again, with Melissa!! They know each other from the KiwiAsian Club, which I'm also a member of but haven't done anything in! Next came Sarena with this other guy called Tim, who said he recognised me from somewhere. It turns out he's one of the top guys at the KiwiAsian Club and had recognised me from one of the beginning of the year meetings!

Well I finally got home at about 11pm and decided to go on MSN for a little while and surprisesurprise caught up with Ruby (this Korean girl who used to go to Rutherford before going back to Korea), another person I haven't talked to in a while! Recently I was thinking about her too, as there's this girl in Health Science who looks like her! I was surprised she still remembers me though, and the last day I saw her when I gave her chocolate for her birthday and to say goodbye! That was more than two years ago which is amazing! She's still her happy self which is good!

The reuniting didn't stop there though. This morning I caught a late bus into the city as I usually do on a Wednesday, and guess who I see on the bus? Dake!!! He's probably the last ex-Rutherford person I've yet to have met at uni this year. I've always been wondering about him, and have been meaning to text him to catch up with him, but finally I got a chance to catch up with him! He's another one of those engineering students, yeah another one of THOSE guys!

I went over to Tamaki for my population health lecture and tutorial. I was sitting at the back at the tutorial with Michael and my other friend Candy with my head in my hands staring into nowhere when our tutor, who was talking up in front called out to us in the back

"Hey you guys in the back! Stop thinking about your POPLHLTH111 test tonight!"

I was actually thinking about my essay!

I got back to uni, studied for several hours till 7pm when I had my test at the new business school. It was a bit more difficult than the first test, but I'll just have to wait for the results!

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