Saturday 26 May 2007

Friday's my FRYday!!

Thursday was my last lab session for chemistry which was slightly sad as I enjoy my lab buddies! There was a bit of tension during that lab session though. The guy or whatever his name is got a higher mark than my partner and me, even though he used my answers for the lab assignment! It turns out it was because his crystals looked nicer! We were planning on sabbotaging his next assignment by misleading him (as he's always checking what we've done to see how things SHOULDN'T be done and making sure he's done the correct thing, while forcing his poor lab partner Candy to do all the hard work!) but in the end us nice guys couldn't resist helping him. To think we're competing with each other to get into medicine!

To make the lab session worse we had to do titrations! ARRRGGHHHHH If you know what happened with me and titrations last year then you'll know why I dislike them! It wasn't too bad in the end though. Stupid me cracked a beaker though. I was drying it with a paper towel when I probably squeezed too hard and snapped a bit off! There were a few OOOOOOOOOOO's and AAAAAAAAAAH's from the people who heard and saw me do it, with me telling them to SSHHHHHHHHHHH! In the end though I came clean and owned up to breaking a beaker to my supervisor who took it well and gave me a new one! Phew! I also weirdly felt some chest pains in the middle of the lab session which wasn't a good sign! My lab partner was hoping I would die on him either!

Fortunately the experiment didn't go too badly, it was just the heaps of calculations we had to do! Towards the end of the three hour lab session we were all rushing to complete our assignment. It was actually kinda fun! Too bad it's the last one!

Prior to the lab session an announcement had been posted that some people wouldn't get their last lab assignment marks back as they'd need to speak to the course coordinator first regarding copying answers off other people. I was originally worried it was going to be me as I knew the other guy used some of my answers. I was planning on writing a great post for my blog! Un/Fortunately it didn't eventuate, although I was surprised when I discovered I know who the accused is!

Today was all about coping through the lectures. Our biosci lecture had an abrupt end as the overflow lecture theatre with the videolink's sound system wasn't working. It ended up being cancelled. I was lucky to be in the 'live' lecture theatre with my friends for the first time in a while!

I was on the bus to Tamaki with Kevin my ex-Howick College friend, when he was talking to this guy sitting in front of us. When I discovered they didn't go to the same school together and that he used to go to Mt Roskill Grammar, I used my perfect conversation starter..

"Do you know Diane? Or Alice? Or Tobi? Or Disha? Or Anuprita?" (They're bound to know at least one of them!!)

He knew them all except for Disha! And so the connections continue! The population health lecture was pretty boring, with the only interesting part being when the lecturer compared health systems of different countries to different makes of cars.

Germany = BMW
NZ = Honda Civic

After the lecture I decided I'd stay for the workshop which turned out to be a bit of a waste of time as we didn't learn too much in the two hours except for stuff about children pedestrian injuries. As soon as I got back into the city I renewed my bus pass and then started wandering around looking for the cheapest fries to buy! What started two weeks ago now has become a bit of a habit, to treat myself to fries every Friday as a reward for getting through the week! It costs $2 a cup at uni but Aonghas told me I should be able to buy more for the same price somewhere else. I couldn't find anywhere else to buy them from and was getting a little desperate so I went back to buy my fries! I caught up with Alice who happened to be talking to Josh, the guy I met on the bus! After Josh left I caught the free bus with Alice to Downtown where she had to buy a birthday present for a couple of friends.

With only two weeks to go till exams, I really should've been studying...but oh well! I'll do that this weekend!

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