Wednesday 23 May 2007

Just in Time!

My population health assignment was due at 4pm today and I hadn't even started on it till last night! For me it takes a while to get started but once I get started I get going! So here I was sitting in front of my laptop just staring at a blank screen. Fortunately Hamish was staying up late that night doing his assignment too, so he helped me out a bit as I had no idea about economics! While Hamish and I were trying to concentrate on our assignments here Aonghas was talking to my dad all about his upcoming one day trip to Wellington (today), lucky guy! The weather wasn't so good today though...

So after a while of sitting in the lounge shuffling papers around, eating potatoes and typing a few words at a time, I decided I'd go lie in bed and do a bit more! So more slowlyslowly...surprisingly I got a text from my German friend Michael who asked me for a website! He was still working on his assignment at 4am in the morning! I wonder what made him assume I was too! I thought I'd try text my other friend Candy to see if she was still up doing it, and hey guess what she was still awake too! She had only started!

Eventually it was 6am and I still had 800 words to go, so I decided I'd have a quick two hour nap before I'd restart. I'd try get everything finished by 11am so I could attend my tutorial over in Tamaki and then my two hour workshop afterwards. Sooo I woke up at 8m, got into the lounge and got going. 11am passed, so I thought I'd try finish by 12 so I could have enough time to attend my workshop. 12pm passed...OK this time my deadline would be 2pm! I would then email my assignment to Hamish at uni by 2.30pm for him to have a read of it and get back to me on improvements by 3pm and then I'd leave and hopefully get to Tamaki by 4pm. Well Hamish didn't reply till 3.15pm and by then I had decided I couldn't wait any longer and had submitted my assignment to (the plagiarism site for those of you not at uni!) It was approaching 3.30pm and I really needed to get going!

If it took half an hour for the bus to travel from the city campus to the Tamaki campus, I had no idea how I'd get to Tamaki from Henderson in the same time! While on the motorway encouraging my dad to speed up just that teeny bit faster, I thought I'd try text my friends and see if any of them could print out my assignment and hand it in for me as I was starting to doubt my ability to get to Tamaki in time. When we hit a traffic jam on the motorway I REALLY started to panic! If my assignment was late, I would lose 10% off my mark! I got a reply from one of my friends who said he had just caught the bus out of Tamaki, while I still had no reply from the others!

Traffic gradually got a little faster after we took the exit off the motorway. There were only three minutes to go and we were waiting at the round-about near the campus. As soon as my dad drove up the driveway I jumped out and hit the ground running! When I got to the student centre there were all these other people crowded around the assignment boxes frantically stappling their assignments and making last minute checks before handing it in. The clock's long hand was slightly past 12 as I handed it in, but I JUST made it, so at least I haven't automatically lost 10% off my mark! Now as for the quality of the assignment...

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