Thursday 26 April 2007

Watta Gumbie

Not too long after I splattered bovine blood all over me in biosci lab last Tuesday, today I had chemistry lab, which I enjoy a whole lot more! It didn't start off too well, as I lent my assignment sheet to this guy to photocopy before the lab session, and I couldn't find him before the lab to get it back so I could study it! I also spent a couple of hours hanging out with Julie for lunch and so I ended up going into this lab session the least prepared out of them all.

We were focusing on kinetics and rates of reactions so we had to mix chemicals and time how long it took for the blue colour to appear. Unfortunately a few reactions took over twenty minutes to occur! My partner and I ended up deciding to time multiple reactions at the same time. I went over to pour some AgNO3 into the test tube when


When trying to pour the AgNO3 into the test tube with the automatic dispenser, I missed the test tube, got it on my hands, my labcoat and my phone! As I was cleaning up and stains started to appear on my labcoat I checked with my supervisor as to what effect AgNO3 would have on my skin. He told me my skin will turn black (or a dark colour) for a few days till my skin cells die, so I might have a black hand in a few days! More importantly phone!! That cost me a bit and I don't want to have to buy another phone! He told me it should be OK...or something about something showing up in a month...I should've been listening! Anyway it's still working now so hopefully it stays that way!

After that, my partner started teasing me about my proven incompetence in the lab, but that's OK, all good fun with dangerous chemicals!

Time was soon running out and we had to get our assignments finished, so it was pretty hectic towards the end of the session. You would think a three hour lab session sounds very long, but in the lab it passes by so fast!

My partner, the other two who we 'hang out' with in the lab at the bench next to us and I managed to finish just in time, and we handed our assignments in. We left the lab when the girl came out a little later and started to break down. I went over to try ask what was wrong and if everything was OK, and she told me she was fine and told me to go ahead.


I asked her if she wanted to hear a joke...I know stupid me! I tried this too with Charlene when she was upset and not feeling too well after drinking too much at Julie and Lisa's party, but it didn't work with her either! Anyway she told me she was fine and so I didn't get to tell my joke! OK a reminder to myself...telling (or offering to tell) lame jokes won't make people feel better!

I felt a little bad after I had left that I hadn't sat down with her and just talk to her when she felt better, but I txtd her a little later to see how she was doing and she said she was feeling better so that's good!

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