Thursday 5 April 2007

It's All Over...With a Slight Hitch!

I've finally finished all my tests...for this week at least! The last test didn't go without a slight hiccup though!

I slept in this morning after staying up late to chat to a friend I don't talk to that often, and after not being able to get ready in time to catch the bus I finally chose one and got to the bus stop before it arrived! I got into the city by midday, borrowed a couple of books from the Info Commons before heading off to the library where I briefly met up with my friend Jarrod.

I studied frantically for a few hours before I had a quick look at the time on the phone and realised it was 1.59pm! My books were overdue by ten minutes! I ran back to the Info Commons to find that they fine people 5c for every minute a book is overdue, so I was fined.... 55c! I was about to pay by coins when the lady said I could only do it by EFTPOS, so I decided I'd pay later.

I went back to study for a few more hours before having a short break at Albert Park to have a feed. I caught up with Ellyce, Estee and Pita for a quick chat. After a bit more studying I caught up with Heather and Mohammad and went off to the Engineering Building, where our population health test would be held.

I was amazed at how badly lit the inside of the engineering building was! We were standing in the foyer in half-darkness as we waited to be let into the lecture theatre! We then found out the test would be delayed by about half an hour for some reason! So we hung out in the foyer waiting, with me getting nervous about forgetting the mnenomics that I had come up with an hour ago!

When we were finally allowed into the theatre we all grabbed our seats, and then the Indian lady stood at the lecturn to give us instructions. This is where the craziness started! First she started giving us instructions on which sheets we had to put our student ID and full names on, and just as people were about to fill out the forms, she announced


Quite a few people groaned and moaned in shock pretty loudly! So anyway we started on our tests, before the Indian lady started talking again, giving us further instructions on what we should do! People started telling her to SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

The test was multichoice question test so it wasn't so bad. The Indian lady soon announced we had 15 minutes left. I answered the questions in half an hour so I spent the second half hour double-checking my answers. Suddenly the Indian lady announced we had ONE MINUTE LEFT! That's quite useful to know! Not too sure how much you can do in a minute!

Finally time was up, and the papers were collected. We were then made to wait for about ten minutes as they counted the papers. Tired and frustrated students were busting to get out the door and go but they weren't allowed to! When we were finally allowed out everyone just swarmed out the doors! Our class rep was standing there promising he would bring up tonight's events at the next POPLHLTH111 meeting! Go him!

I had to catch the late bus home but fortunately this other guy I've met at uni Michael who used to go to Green Bay High was catching the same bus with me so that was good! I ended up buying a bag of corn chips from the nearby Star Mart. Now I don't usually waste my money, especially when it's a blatant rip-off, but I just felt like treating myself! Tests are over, holidays's weird, as only during test week have I started to think that maybe uni isn't THAT bad...especially when you start to get to know people around the place!

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