Friday 20 April 2007

Random Rant

I haven't commented on the outside world for a long time so I might just ease into a little bit of it in this post:

First of all, the stupid toaster burnt my buns again tonight! I left them for a little while and when I got back they were all black! I was preparing for a quick and covert operation to remove them from the toaster and chuck them outside as fast as possible to avoid letting the smell travel around the house, but just as I was about to start my mum appeared from nowhere (she was supposed to be in bed sleeping!) and asked me if I had burnt something again!


I've been following the America's Cup this week, or trying to anyway, but the lack of wind resulting in a lack of...actually no action is pretty frustrating! However, I must say TVNZ and ONE Sport have done a good job at filling time (besides screening replays of past yacht races!). Tonight they had a little tutorial on yacht racing, and also interviewed the guys behind the Virtual Eye which was interesting. I wouldn't mind watching most of the race with the Virtual Eye! Hopefully racing won't be delayed for the fourth day in a row, but it doesn't look promising!


Speaking of TVNZ, it's a little sad hearing of the job cuts going on at TVNZ. To close down offices in Wanganui, Wellington and Queenstown sounds quite severe, especially with several veteran reporters tipped to lose their jobs. I don't know how they'll get on with running their new 24 hour news channel, but let's hope management know what they're doing.

It's a bit worrying the show new Head of News and Current Affairs of TVNZ Anthony Flannery has been in charge of back over in Australia has been lagging behind its competition and doesn't even rank in the top 20 television programmes. Equally worrying is the claim that he has a 'tabloidy' style to news. It's about time we have some serious news and current affairs on television, regardless of how many tweenies tune in to watch it!


It's about time Argentina get included in the Tri-Nations! (that's if they do get included at all!) For me rugby has been getting boring, which is probably due to sooo many games being played throughout the year that I just can't be bothered watching anymore, as well as delayed rugby being screened on Prime. I wonder whether Argentina's inclusion in the Tri-Nations has anything to do with Sky TV's drop in Super 14 viewers. Maybe...just maybe...the number of viewers drops so much that Sky no longer wants to bid as high as previously, allowing a free-to-air broadcaster to get back in the bidding and bring back live rugby to free-to-air! But...I highly doubt it..


Is Labour really starting to lose it? I know that I support Labour, but recently it just seems as though they're acting as true commies. Countless polls and surveys have indicated that the majority are against the Anti-Smacking Bill (I know this isn't its real name but I can't remember what it's real name is...Section 50 something...?), yet Labour continues to pursue it.

When I asked the people at the Young Labour stand earlier this year during Orientation Week about this issue, they told me that parents would not be prosecuted for smacking their kids and it was similar to how J-walking is illegal, yet no one gets prosecuted for doing it. The question then is what is the point? Of course parents will no longer be able to assault their child and use the law in their defence but what is wrong with Mr Burrows' Amendment? What is so bad about adopting it? Is it just a matter of Labour not wanting to let National 'win' on this?


Aren't the Virginia Tech University shootings tragic? Amazing how initial reports claimed the shooter was a Chinese, and then later confirmed as a South Korean (thank goodness! Don't want to make us Chinese look bad! nah jokes!)

I came across a couple of the victims' MySpace pages tonight which were filled with farewell messages and messages of regret from friends (if you want to see for yourselves click here, here or here). Many wished they had let the victims know how much they loved them when they could've. It's a bit sad how we don't get round to letting friends and loved ones know how much they mean to us until we don't have them, and that we just take them for granted, assuming they will always be around. The sad thing though is that we or they won't always be around, so to all you guys, I LOVE YOU :D

(That is my pathetic attempt at trying to sound meaningful!)

Gees I'm too scared to return to uni on Monday now! I definitely won't be taking my seat anywhere near doors!


While watching the gap-filling, waiting for America's Cup racing to eventually start, those adult matchmaker adverts appeared, which made me realise that HOLY COW I'm 18! I was thinking as an experiment...just how many matches could I find with one of these services? No I'm not desperate! As an experiment! But I guess it would be unfair on the other desperate people to discover (sorry I take that back not all people who use those services are desperate!), if they so happen to consider me as a match, to realise they were part of an experiment...


Wooo yay for me coming up to three years since being dumped by the last girl I was with...for a day...yeah that one was tragic...I think...

OK I'm going nowhere with this post so enough ranting by me!

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