Monday 6 March 2006

Wacky Day

Today was hectic. This morning during my two free periods I first had to sort out hiring the cello, because my cello teacher is one of the toughest teachers I've ever encountered! So I had to do a bit of cello practice during my free period to make up for a week of no practice. During next period I was supposed to rearrange the room student radio will be based at with Troy but Troy had gone and the teacher in charge of the room told me it'd take more than a day to sort things out. I ended up spending most of that period in the library sorting stuff out with a teacher!
During interval though I talked to a few students who had a free period after interval if they could at least try to start on the room so I'd have less to do afterschool. After inteval I had to go to cello lesson. My cello lesson used to be during chemistry but last Friday during history the assistant principal talked to me in private, telling me my chemistry teacher was concerned I was missing out on too many chemistry periods and that if I continue to do so I'll miss out on the merits and excellences I want. She estimated I had missed over seven periods of chemistry already, which is a bit extreme as I've only missed one period a week and only four weeks have passed! Anyway after my cello lesson I took a detour to the room to check up on how things were going but no one was there and the door was locked! I thought no one could be bothered and went off to history class. During lunch though Shen came and told me they managed to sort out the room already! They just needed a CD player to connect to the PA system and then hopefully we'd finally be off!
During lunch I had to go to string ensemble. Because at assembly this week our prefects group (yip we renamed our student leaders group so we could sound more special ;) ) are presenting our 'launch' or our year plans to the students, I needed the projector and laptop to be set up in the hall and I had asked my brother to ask his friends if they could do it. During string ensemble I was thinking they were setting it all up till the deputy principal came in and asked me what was going on! Aonghas's friends couldn't do it because they had a debate meeting and Aonghas hadn't told me! So I rushed out of string ensemble to try set things up. We ended up having the projection on an angle.
The presentation at assembly went alright except for me getting the speaking order wrong and Aonghas getting muddled up with the powerpoint slides (fortunately we sorted it out quickly!) After assembly Shen told me that student radio DIDN'T get off the ground today because of a faulty wire! It's just one thing after the other with some things isn't it?
Weekend was OK, nothing special. I tried writing up my debate speech, only did two sentences and then gave up to work on the presentation instead. My neighbour came home from some sleepover at a friend's at about 1am and started shouting my name out loud as she walked up the driveway. It was too dark so I couldn't see anything. Apart from my other friend discussing whether to lose her virginity or not that's about it...oh wait yeah I did start teaching recorder again! I'm starting off with six students, hopefully more will enrol soon! Now that's about it!

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