Friday 3 March 2006


I've had an exhausting day today. I've been trying to sort out student radio which will *fingers tightly crossed* get off the ground this Monday lunchtime. There's always been something that has stood in the way and have made me adjust the original plans! Originally I planned on rearranging the room we will be running it out of and shifting the equipment into it today during lunch but in the end Troy (who I've been working on this with) decided to do it during my free period on Monday and get it ready by lunch. So hopefully hopefully hopefully it will finally start!
We then had a student leaders meeting at lunch which went round and round in circles. They couldn't decide whether to call themselves student leaders or prefects. In the end they decided to have a vote. Initially I thought I would not bother voting, and so the vote count was Student Leaders: 6, Prefects: 5. I thought to make it more interesting I'd put in my vote for Prefect to tie it up! They then decided to go for the coin toss which landed in the favour of Student Leaders. However the deputy principal didn't like the way the decision was made so he's going to make his own decision I think.
The Junior Student Committee's future was looking bleak in the morning with only two nominations being handed in, but by the end of the day I heard that there were a lot more so it turned out OK in the end! That reminds me I forgot to put a reminder in the notices! ARGH I'm forgetting everything these days! The school's computer server has been down for most of the week and so no notices got out which was a bit of a nuisance. Thank goodness for the well-designed and well-updated noticeboard Sarena has been in charge of!
We're having our big Student Leaders/Prefects launch next week where we let the rest of the school and staff know our plan for the year so I've got to get the powerpoint presentation done.
This evening I've been trying to sort out my recorder lesson times for tomorrow morning. I've been ringing all my students but they always seem to have something on at this time and that time, which threw all my plans up in the air! Finally at 9.15pm I managed to get it all sorted out...for tomorrow at least!
Once again here's another quote from the enrichment teacher (while we're on the computer checking something out):
"OK once we've sorted this out we'll check out a dating website for Calum"

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