Wednesday 8 March 2006

Better Day

We finally had success in many ways today! Firstly we finally got student radio going! We had RnB music on for today and we even got people coming up to us asking to play music from their CDs! At first it was a little weird having this loud music suddenly being played around the field. Everyone just stared at where the music was coming from! Troy managed to fix the speaker wires so he's the one to thank! We're planning on having a different genre of music each day. Because most of the 'coloured' people hang around the shelters overlooking the field for...various reasons...I'm not too sure how well they'll receive the music on punk rock/emo day but I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

I don't want to give too much away but I'll put it in a couple of words - slave auction - coming soon! Today we even managed to convince a couple of teachers to get in on the act. We'll reveal who they are closer to the date!

We made our final push for more students to be nominated for the junior student committee during form period today. I sent a few of the prefects to visit junior form classes. Unfortunately year 10 students were at an assembly but I got 20 extra nomination forms photocopied and they all ran out that I had to get another 30 photocopied, and this is only the year 9's! At least by having so many nominations we have the opportunity to select the best (with the help of the deans!)

We ended the day with a debate meeting. Ryan (last year's headboy) and Elisapeta (last year's deputy headgirl) were back to give us some advice. Because our debate coach/English teacher can't make it to the debates, Ryan and Elisapeta are going with us to support us! Heather and I ended up swapping speaking positions with Heather moving to first speaker while I moved to second. Even so, I got stuck with leader's reply! Patrick our third speaker didn't turn up because he had a cricket game. We are unprepared but I'm sure we'll do fine tomorrow! It's our first debate anyway we can be allowed one stuff-up at least, considering we have Heather who has't debated since 2nd form and Patrick who hasn't done debating before! We're up against Corran, an all girls school so we're not going to give up without a fight! Losing to an all-girls team is just shameful!

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