Friday 24 March 2006

Trouble in Paradise

It was mufti day today and so we got the Junior Council members to buddy up with the prefects to go around classes to collect the money. This meant I got to miss out on my chemistry test! :D I'll probably end up having to sit it on Monday. Anyway at least that made my day less stressful! I only had to attend Chinese (where I learnt a bit of Cantonese...I'm going to get her and Sarena and Amy to speak to me more in Cantonese so I can be more Chinese!), statistics and history. AUT came in today to catch up with our prefect group's progress since camp from the beginning of interval to lunch, which meant I missed out on Physics and my free period. Before school though I had to speak in front of the staff at their meeting about the Junior Council just to explain to them that the group was getting started and to ask them to give them a little bit of respect. They seemed to receive it well!

Anyway back with the AUT people we each got up to explain what we had gotten up to. Things got a little heated when one suggested having a talent quest this year instead of Rutherford Idol which we've had for the past two years, because it was a bit dry and cheesy, and it was taken as if it was a criticism against me (since I helped organise it) by a few who started to defend me (lol!) but I think it was just a bit of a misunderstanding!

But anyway the rock concert was at lunch. It was a shame the crowd wasn't bigger but still it was great to see some of our own performing, and I sure hope there are more lunchtime performances throughout the year! Some guys tried creating a moshpit up front but it looked more like they were fake punching each other.

Ryan came in yesterday to go over our performances in the debate the night before. I was at the end of most of the criticism. I let my standards drop in this debate, having taken a few pot shots at the opposing team, calling them deaf and their argument a load of rubbish, so I feel pretty guilty for letting the team down!

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