Tuesday 21 March 2006

Lost Cause

Good news I finished writing my debate speech, which ended up being even longer than my previous debate speech, which went over time. That must mean my speech will be well over time! I've got to cut back on some stuff but I'm afraid of cutting something important out!
I also managed to finish my history essay at 5am this morning together with Jacqueline over MSN. Now I've stayed up really late into the morning doing homework with Hyun, Joon, Yuk kit and Jacqueline! Fun!

Yesterday I stayed at school after after it had finished to watch the Rutherford vs Magee rugby game. Magee is some school from Canada that sent their rugby team on a trip down under. At first everyone was writing off the Canadians, but they weren't doing so much of that once the game started! We had about 50 supporters at least I'd say, and it was so good to see and hear students cheering on Rutherford! Unfortunately our school last 30 something to 14 I think? Yeah anyway we lost, but it would be great if more after school sports games were organised to encourage our students to get out there and support our school!

Unfortunately our principal Mr Edmeades is leaving at the end of term 2! He's been at our school for over 18 years, and is only the third principal of Rutherford College in its 40 year history. It's going to be sad to see him go, as you don't know what to expect from the new principal, whoever he or she may be!

Tonight the group of us went to Massey University for the second session of the careers seminar. Shen met that 'hot Asian' again and this time he even talked to her! Turns out she's already got a boyfriend though. Rightfully so, because Shen's got a girlfriend anyway! OK back to the point of the seminar! We had quite a few speakers tonight talking to us about business and becoming an entrepreneur. Interestingly two of the speakers told us they were former students of Rutherford! It shows just what our students are capable of!

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