Tuesday 14 March 2006

Picking Up Girls at a Seminar?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID (for last week!!)

A small group of us Rutherford students went to Smales Technology Farm over in North Shore after school today to hear some speakers from various research institutes talk to us about possible science-based careers. Apparently we're the only school from the west to take part, with the rest coming from North Shore.

We had the CEO of HortResearch telling us about how they're developing an apple with red insides, kiwifruit that grow like grapes and get this...healthy beer! What an oxymoron! The second speaker was the assistant director-general from MAF who spoke to us about bio security, controlling what comes into and leaves the country, and the last speaker was from from some other Crown Research Institute that specialises in forensic science and other stuff like that.

Anyway what was more interesting than the talks was what was going on with us guys. Shen was hitting on Sarena (boy what would happen if Sarena starts to fall for him?) Our group was also sitting next to the girls from Westlake. There was this Asian girl Shen and Joon thought looked good and as her friend walked past Shen asked her what her friend's name was, and she asked him if he was interested. Shen told her that he might be, and she just walked off. She ended up sitting right next to me, and all the guys got me to try ask them what the girl's name was, so I turned to this girl and asked

"Hey my friend wants to know what your friend's name is?"

She snapped back


Woooooah! She kinda gave Hyun the evils throughout the seminar when he fell asleep.That was funny. I poked him in the shoulder several times before he finally woke up! Hyun claimed that (while he WAS awake) the Asian girl kept taking glances at Shen, but Alex thought they were dirty looks. Anyway we'll be going to another seminar next week again, so that'll give either Joon or Shen (well we're hoping Joon because Shen's already taken!) another chance at scoring a few points, especially since the ball is only what three months away!

Oh yeah we got heaps of Subway that was nice too!

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