Sunday 19 March 2006

Staying Healthy

Happy Birthday Hussein!!
Happy Birthday Kat!! (for yesterday)

Things have been starting to pile up on me. I was supposed to have done an A3 and A4 poster and a little blurb about the Junior Council by last Friday, but because I couldn't get it done on time I've got those as well as a debate speech, physics experiment write-up and a history essay to do by this week!

We have our second debate coming up this Wednesday against Auckland Grammar with our moot being

"That our prison system is failing us "

with us being affirmative. Let's hope we can score another win! This time it'll be Christine, Patrick and me debating.

Today after church I went across the road to the Trusts Stadium to the Healthy Living Expo or something like that. It had all these stands about health and natural remedies etc. It was...OK. I guess it was more focused on the older person. They also had some teenage girls doing cheerleading as well.

Guess who else I met! Hyun and Joon! They were dressed in red, as Korean interpreters. Together with them was Hyun's partner to the ball last year. I also met Amber who used to go to our school last year but she's now at a drama school. It's so good to catch up with people again!

Anyway I'm bracing for a pretty busy week ahead...

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