Thursday 16 March 2006


Yesterday I ran the first Junior Council meeting. It was a bit disorganised and because Mr Coughlan had the purpose and everything I couldn't really discuss it with them. I did ask them for their opinions on school and they talked about things from peer support to the boredom they experience during lunchtime. I then sent them to talk to their form classes and their friends during the week before the next meeting to get some ideas. After that meeting I asked Mr Coughlan the deputy principal where the Junior Council actually fits in the whole scheme of things and he explained to me how he wants it to be a something like a 'feeder' group to the three other main groups that the prefects are arranged in, and they report back. Heather and Mrs Taylor (our year 13 dean) have other ideas so I've got to sort it out. I can't actually remember what they said now!

After that Mr White the PE teacher asked me to help him with a powerpoint presentation he's going to present at senior assembly on Monday about the rubbish problem. He asked me to load the photos he took with the Sony video camera onto his computer. I took the memory stick out of the camera and tried putting it in the inbuilt cardreader in his laptop, but I accidentally put it in the wrong slot! I was going to try get something to pull it out but Mr White came over and saw it and was like No Problem! and went to look for tweezers or something to pick it out. He came back with some scissors, trying to pull it out, but in the end pushed it further in! He told me He'd get it out and let me go, and today when he approached me he let me know they got it out with a scribe from the metal room! During interval though Mr Sizer the year 12 dean told me that they managed to get the card out of the laptop and wanted to make sure I wasn't worrying too much about it. At that time the other Mr White (the computer teacher) came by to tell me that it was easy getting it out and there was no damage. A little later Ms Roscoe (I probably spelt her name wrong but she's another PE teacher) told me that they managed to get HER card out of the laptop and that it was lucky they were able to! Boy things must travel fast amongst the teachers!

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