Friday 22 February 2008

Where'd all the Days Go?

There's about a week and a bit of the holidays left to go, and still I'm not doing anything worthwhile! Last night I chatted to Gwen for several hours catching up with her which was really cool. Hopefully I didn't annoy her or anything! I managed to get a few hours of sleep before Chen rang which got me out of bed! Before I knew it, it was past midday and I was still on the phone in my pyjamas!

This Saturday sees the start of the new year for recorder classes. I don't have many students this year, actually numbers have remained the same as last year, only that the number of students that I have lost has been replaced by the number of new students! One of them goes to my church and asked me a couple weeks ago if I was a recorder teacher. It turns out he really is going to be my student this year, so I better make sure I teach him well or else I'll get a bad reputation around church! The worst part of the year is the beginning of the year when I have to ring up all the parents of students to try sort out class times. I'm not sure who I'm supposed to ask for, just in case it is in fact one of my student's parents answering and I ask for their parents!

This weekend is the Lantern Festival too. I initially offered to help the Kiwi Asian Club with their food stall this year but because their get-togethers to make dumplings happened to be on a Saturday, one of the worst days for me, I haven't been able to help out and I won't have much spare time to help sell food for them at their stall this weekend either so I'm feeling a bit of a let down right now! haha

After offering to help out with the Dessert Club at the club's AGM last year and not hearing from them for quite a while, I was asked last week if I was still keen to help out, so I'll be getting a bit more involved with them this year!

Speaking of Lantern Festival though, I'll be going for a short time while on Saturday to watch my friend's violin performance before heading off to the Sky City Starlight Symphony at the Auckland Domain. I'll probably go for the whole night on Sunday though.

We got a complimentary NZ Herald in the mail that came with a programme for the concert, and the closest anything being performed gets to being contemporary is music from The Lord of the Rings! Kiri Te Kanawa looks set to feature quite a bit in this year's show.

By the way, everyone put in your diaries Richard Chen, this really cool guy who plays the violin extremely, extremely well is set to perform at the Lantern Festival on Saturday night at about 5.45-6pm on the Main Stage, so DON'T MISS IT!!! I certainly won't be! Health Science represent!! (Even though I'm not a pharmacy student I'll always be a Health Science student deep down inside!)

From Monday to Wednesday I've got pharmacy camp and apparently we're to have this dress-up party thing on Tuesday night, where we have to dress up as our favourite movie character. I can't seem to think of anyone/any thing to dress up yet, although one person has suggested Spongebob Squarepants. Hmmm I guess I could bring a piece of sponge. Any suggestions would be welcome though!

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