Sunday 10 February 2008

Burning Start

Since Chinese New Year I've been doing a bit more driving practice which has seen me drive down a road, stop and reverse into a driveway,then drive out, drive forwards and reverse into the next driveway, and then do that right down the road! That's my dad's way of getting me to practise reversing into driveways! On Saturday morning I also tried practising reverse parallel parking (is that what it's called?) in a near-empty carpark by this park where some soccer practice was going on. My dad put a cardboard box in the carpark in front and behind to represent parked cars, and I had to try parking in between them. I did it about ten times and I still can't get it right!

On Friday night while Aonghas was still at TDI camp Hamish and I went to youth group, where there were only four of us excluding the adults! This boy who's still at intermediate school asked me if I'm a recorder teacher and said he was thinking of taking lessons! I hope he didn't mean flute though or else he'd be extremely disappointed! We were learning about sin and so we each wrote our sins onto a piece of paper and chucked it into a pot which we took outside and set alight. It didn't last too long of course! At least it was something a bit different and the church didn't burn down.

Saturday also saw the start of our accordion lessons for the year! Fortunately I started practising again early enough to improve a little before my lesson so for once I didn't have to worry about my accordion teacher thinking I hadn't improved since the last lesson! With nothing to do these holidays I've started to practise my accordion a bit more and have started to get back into a slightly more regular habit! Right now though I'm trying to find some music to arrange for an accordion duet and trio that we can play for the championships though as we've run out of music to perform!

Later that night after chatting to my friends Hyun and Joon on the internet for the first time since they've moved to America, I was surprised when they rang me soon after! We ended up talking for over an hour and it felt good, like it was back in those days a couple years ago! The sound quality of the phone call was pretty good too considering they called my land line from the internet. There was no echo or anything! We just talked about all sorts of stuff like how things were going for them over there. Man they have over 500 TV channels including all those news channels and cartoon channels! What lucky people! Anyway it's good to hear they got there safely and are starting to settle in!

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